Strawberries and Imminent Death don't taste good together

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I know what you're thinking. Don't drink the drink. If a murderer hands you a drink, don't take it. Especially if said murderer has a reason to dislike you. So I did the smart thing. I drank the drink

Before you yell at me for being incompetent, I did look for poison. Powder around the edges, heaviness congealing at the bottom of the glass, a bitter aftertaste. There was nothing.

Dominic watched me inspect the drink as though I was a mildly entertaining two-year old. I wanted to slap the amused condensation off his face.

"You think I would poison you?"

"I'm in a Lourdes den because I "have potential" even though you were just trying to kill me. Is a little suspicion honestly that surprising?"

"Can't fault you there. Suspicion is good. I could have poisoned you before I ever gave you the drink." I stiffened. "Or I could have a gun trained on you right now. . . Or your sibling." He nodded to Kayla who was showing some of their designs to a small group of very interested designers. My hand clenched around me drink. I was really over Lourdes threatening people I cared about. "Or. . .?" He smiled softly. "I could just be offering you a drink."

This maybe, maybe not poisoned drink was about to end up in Dominic's face if he kept talking. I settled for a bored smile. "What a charming party guest you make."

"I've been told I'm an excellent conversationalist. That is when I'm not doing other equally enjoyable things with my tongue." His tone held no intent, the type of flirting used to fill space. 

"I feel sorry for your partners then if that's what they have to suffer though." This man clearly didn't care whether I was saccharine or bitter.

"And the mask drops," Dominic downed his pineapple crush in one swallow. "Tell me, how are you enjoying the party?"

"Refreshingly predictable," I admitted. "I've been threatened, complimented on my outfit and been mistaken for someone important at least three times. The only thing I haven't done is sampled any of that food." I glanced toward the adjoining gallery where a long wooden table was set up with at a hundred intricate small plates. The table itself was a giant, look at me I'm rich display of wood. Real crystallized wood was as expensive as real flowers and the table was at least fifty feet long.

Dominic's eyes glinted with amusement. "I guess we'll have to remedy that then well won't we." He gestured to a waiter who returned with several small plates for each of us. "Say what you want about our violent tendencies but our food truly is divine. " He pointed to each of the small plates in turn. "Parmesan panko fried gnocchi in a spicy tomato sauce, chile peanut wontons filled with coconut curry shrimp, and orange glazed duck over a lavender gratin."

Damn that sounded good. I took a bite of the wonton. "I could eat these all night!"

"There's an entire table over there. Go right ahead."

I try the duck, which almost makes me cry, it's so delicious. I'm tempted to smuggle some back for Inez, who has a weakness for all things citrus though I think Kayla would have my head if I stuck it in the pocket of this dress. "Are you going to tell me why I'm here?"

"I thought that part was obvious. You received an invitation."

"I've also been invited to the sapphire room, for reasons that no one has decided to tell me yet. Why did I receive an invitation? Why are you interested in me?"

"Your grandfather stole hundreds of million angél from us. Since you're so stubborn about refusing to give it back, and you've already dodged one assassination attempt, we're now entitled to your services as per mafia law. The Lourdes have decided to be generous and offer you an assignment. If you do this little favor for us, then we'll stop hunting you. If not, you and everyone you care about dies." His tone was so casual, it made me flinch.

City of Fire and Inkحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن