I Promise There Will Be Snacks

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"I can't believe you almost punched me on national television."

"Well that's what you get for almost dying. Suck it up buttercup."

"You've been watching too much of that awful legal show that you like"

"It's not awful."

"It is awful. It's overdramtic, everyone is outrageously attractive, and there's way too much murder."

"Considering the last couple of days, I would think you'd be all for those things. Except for the attractive part. Don't know why Inez settled for you."

"Oh please, like you can talk. You're literally the highest maintenance person that I know. I don't know how Ryan puts up with you."

"Be nice to each other." Appa peered dissaprovingly over his glasses.

Kayla and I shot each other an incredulous look. Omma stifled a laugh. "Minjun, this is how siblings work. You can't expect them to be nice to each other all the time. You should have seen the things me and my sisters say to each other."

"I have. You and your sisters are scarier than any gang in Paradahna." Appa shuddered and Omma smiled angelically, placing the menu beside her.

"Minjun ah was a spoiled child," Halmeoni took his arm affectionately. "I sometimes wish I'd given him siblings."

"Well I for one am glad you didn't." Kayla angrily sipped their boba. The cantaloupe balls swirled around a storm of bubbles and peach tea. "Because someone needs to understand the insanity that this one puts me through."

"Oh I'm sorry. Next time, I won't take over the entire city for you. How's that?"

"How are the drinks," Appa was saved by Etan sliding over. He had an uncanny ability to walk around really fast, but never looked like he was in a hurry.

"The drinks are delicious, as always." Omma smiled up at him. "How's Zoe?" Etan wasn't a dad, though I knew he'd be a great one. He'd started part timing at a local elementary school during the rise of Tigris. Last time we were here, he told us about a kid named Zoe who he was particularly attached too, mostly because Zoe reminded him of a mini Kayla.

"You remembered!" His face lit up. "She's been really into leaf collecting lately so we've been doing a unit on the different kinds of leaves and she's been getting the other kids into it too. More fieldtrips and less classroom stuff. I love it."

"Oh speaking of," Kayla rummaged around in their bag. "I have something for you for the kids." Etan's face contorted in confusion.

"You do?"

"Yeah. I know how you were talking about trying to get them outside more so I started constructing some mobiles. There's a few nature ones, but I also just got some frames ready in case your kids want to make their own based off of what they find outside on the field trips."

Etan's jaw dropped as he stared at Kayla. Their workshop was full of wooden frames with various scraps of beads, feathers, shards of glass, and pieces of cloth hanging off of them. It was how they kept their creative juices flowing when they weren't designing and it was good practice for making the actual clothes. "You made them for me?"

"No, I made them for Seojun." I sent Kayla a look, but they ignored me. "I can drop them off whenever you need me too."

"Thank you. You didn't have to do that." Maybe I was reading into things, but I could swear I could see a hint of platonic blush creep up Etan's cheeks."

"Don't mention it." Kayla waved a hand. "You can make it up to me by bringing me more beef." Everyone at the table groaned.

"Kayla, that's your fourth plate." Halmeoni's eyes brightened with mirth.

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