The Three Genders: Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Baboon

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Where are you?  Inez's indignance rang clear through the implant.

I grinned a goofy little smile to myself. Outside your front door.

Stop acting like you don't have a key and get your ass in here immediately

I pushed open the door, just as Inez walked out of her bedroom. They grinned and ran towards me, throwing themself into my arms and kissing me like they hadn't just seen me this morning. I softened in her arms, sighing at the feel of her fingertips in my hair. For a moment, my world narrowed to the two of us, the heat of our embrace and the buzzy happiness warming me up from the inside out.

"Is this what I have to look forward to every time I come over?"

"Yep." Inez nudged my nose with hers and I nearly passed out from the cuteness.

"Lucky me." I chuckled and snuggled in closer. "Why didn't you do this before?"

"Useless gays remember?"

"Ah right. I'm tempted to go back and kick past Seojun for depriving me of this. That was awful of them. "

"I call first dibs. The amount of pining you put me through was excessive." A jab to my ribs and the comforting familiarity of Inez's salt crept back into her tone.

"Sorryyyy. I promise I'll make up for it tonight." I pulled away from Inez so I could admire her outfit. "Wow. You look like a fairy princess." I was rewarded with a soft blush and I used the opportunity to spin her. "Half of Pardahna is going to fall in love with you tonight!" Her flowy dress was pale green and covered in large tropical pink flowers. The neckline was spectacularly low and thigh slits revealed the fishnets wrapping around Inez's thighs. A thin golden thigh bracelet wrapped around one of her thighs and my eyes went wide. Misa's eyes above, Inez was wearing a thigh bracelet. I was definitely going to win the  useless gay prize today.

"The outfit isn't even done yet. No makeup."

"You still look breathtaking. I'm a huge fan of that neckline."

"I thought you would be." Inez smirked. "But it seems I'm not the only one who came prepared." She eyed my top shamelessly. To call it a top would be. . .generous. I was wearing nothing more than cream colored crocheted nipple covers held together by flimsy ties of crocheted lace. It made for a very dramatic look, or at least I hoped.

"Oh this old thing?" I preened. "I just dug it up from somewhere."

Inez laughed at my dramatics. "Sure you did. Somehow you manage to make the cutesiest thing look wonderfully masc on you."

"Thank you. I try."

"Come with me while I finish up this makeup." I took Inez's hand and she led me into the bedroom. I leaned against the doorframe while she tried, and failed to put on a complicated looking cashmere wrap sweater.

"It's Prime Time on Tuesday Night Wrestling everyone. In tonight's match, the terrifying Inez Acosta is up against a very flimsy yet fashionable cashmere sweater. Cashmere is our reigning champion and seems to be taking the lead by five points. But who will take the ultimate championship?"

"You would be a really horrible sports announcer, you know that right?"

"I'm not working the magic on you?"

"Not like that you aren't. Add some leather pants and I think your odds will improve."

"How generous of you."

"I really am the epitome of generosity aren't I?"

"More like the epitome of saltiness, but whatever floats your boat, sunshine."

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