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(From the 8th grade, so I was 13 years old)

Venomous Lies

So quick!

So fast!

It seeps from your sweet lips like venom.

It starts as a thread,

Then it makes a web,

Then you, once a spider,

Now dead.


Black Murder

A crow cawed

A murder crowed

Blackness followed, a flurry of feathers

The night wakened

Terror shakened

Then I realized,

The darkness awakened


Breaking Heart

The girl fell to her knees sobbing

I remained proud and strong, staring

I ached to comfort the woman I was loving,

But what right did I have to comfort her ...

If I was the one of her sorrowing?


Flames, Fire, & Fury

The flames bounced off her skin

The fire danced in her eyes

The blaze reached me a mile away.

And I can't help but be amused everyday.

While people dispassion her with cool, watery words

I set her on fire like oil fueling the inferno.

What makes this girl so passionate, I'd like to know

But until that day,

I'll stoke those flames,

And watch her embers blaze with passion.

Because unlike others,

I don't want her fire to run out.


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