Chapter 2

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Alexander's POV

Hi. I'm Alexander, and I'm currently locker room, showering off after having finished my practice for the upcoming football game. I have green eyes and black hair. I finish my shower and turn off the water, wrap a towel around my waist, and get dressed in a blue t-shirt and black jeans.

I leave the locker room with my bag of football clothes. I make my way to the parking lot and get to my blue 2022 Ford F-250. I put my bag in the back seat, and then close the door and lock the truck. I look up and see a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes. I feel myself becoming erect and watch the man walk into the building.

After he goes inside, I get into my truck and quickly jack off before cleaning up and going to class. As I enter my afternoon class, Child and Family Care, I see the same man from the parking lot. I quickly sit down and take out my laptop, pen, and notebook.

After an hour of lectures, the class is dismissed and I'm stopped by the man that I learned is named Xavier. We had been paired up to work on a project about how to care for a baby and make sure it is well taken care of. Unfortunately, that meant spending time with a man that I hadn't met yet and trying to keep my secret under wraps.

Xavier. Hi. I'm Xavier. So, I was thinking that maybe we could switch off between us. Meaning I would have the baby for a week, then you get the baby for the next week, and so on.

I smile and agree to the exchange. "Um... Yeah. That - that would w-w-work. Sorry. I'm just - I've never worked with a male before."

Xavier smiles, his pearly white teeth on display. "That's fine. But if you don't mind me asking, why haven't you worked with males before?"

I can feel myself becoming hot and flustered, and I feel my jeans getting tight. Why does he have to look so perfect? Even his name and voice are perfect. "Because...... Ummm...... Well, I have a secret but I'm afraid to tell you."

Xavier. That's fine. You don't have to me right now. Or at all if that's what you prefer. Anyway, could I have your phone number and address? That way I can find the house and let you know when I'm coming over.

I write down my number and address, and hand the piece of paper to him, surprised that he didn't pressure me into telling him that I'm gay. "Sure, but don't ring the doorbell or knock. My parents don't know about my secret."

Xavier takes the piece of paper and puts it in his pocket. "Okay. I'll just text you."

I watch him leave and then I leave as well, making my way to my next class.

After five hours, I arrive home and do my homework. Once that's done, I tell my parents about the project. I tell them that Xavier is coming over and we are going to switch the baby between us every week.

Linda. "Well, that's wonderful. Just make sure to give it what it needs, and pay attention to your partner. Looking at your partner's facial expressions and body can tell you how they're doing, and whether they need moral support or a shoulder to cry on, or just someone to be next to them."

That's my mom. She has brown hair and green eyes. She has a kind demeanor and would help anyone that was in need. She used to work as a pilot, but she quit when she got pregnant with me.

My father is the same. He is very helpful and kind, but he has black hair and blue eyes. He works as a construction worker, building houses for those that are homeless.

I look over at m mom, with a confused look, wondering if she had somehow caught on to my secret. "Mom, what are you implying."

Linda smiles. "Nothing. Just that you and Xavier need to look out for each other, and help each other whenever either of you needs help. It's important to be able to communicate in a relationship."

I look at her, shocked. How did she know?

My dad laughs and sets down his fork.

John. "Son, did you honestly think that he would notice that you're gay? You got flustered talking about Xavier, and you were walking differently when you got home. You didn't have sex with him did you?"

I start to get flustered again, thinking about Xavier. "No! Of course not. I just..... I jacked off in my truck.... Because I saw him in the parking lot.... And..... I..... I couldn't help it. He's so cute and hot."

John. "Have you told him that you're gay?"

I blush a deep red. "No. I didn't even tell the two of you, because I thought you would be mad."

Linda. "Of course not. We love you, and you're our son. We would never be mad for liking the same gender, or opposite gender, or even both genders. All we care about is your happiness and safety."

I smile. "Thank you. Both of you."

I finish my dinner and then set the dishes in the sink. I get a shower and jack off once again, thinking of him kissing me, and touching me, and licking me, and holding me, and taking me into his mouth.

I groan as I release into my hand. "Fuuuucccckkk."

Once I'm done, I dry off, change into night clothes, get under the covers, and fall asleep.

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