Chapter 7

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Xavier's POV

Four months later, it is December, and Alexander and I are sitting in our Child and Family Care class. The day has finally come when we have to return our baby and hand in our report. I'm sad because I have to say goodbye to our little Stella. We had both become attached and had fallen in love with her.

We also fell in love with each other. We are boyfriends to each other.

Alexander asked me yesterday. We were having dinner with our parents since it was the last night that we would have Stella in our custody. It was towards the end of dinner, and he got down on one knee and asked me to be his boyfriend. I, of course, said yes, and we have been together ever since. We also shared our first kiss that night.

Anyway, class started and Alexander and I turned in our report and gave Stella back to our professor. After that, we started reviewing for our final exams.

After several hours, the class was dismissed and I put my bag in the back seat. I look at the empty car seat and frown. Alexander comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. He kisses me sweetly and looks at the car seat, knowing that his own would also be empty.

Soon, Alexander and I drive to our homes. I do my homework, store away all of the baby items, have dinner, and then fall asleep under my covers.

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