8: (How love blossomed - PART 2)

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Baekhyun freezes on the stop, his heart speeding up as soon as Chanyeol starts leaning forward to his lips. The taller's mint breath fanning his face and the after-shower soap fragrance oozing from Chanyeol's body is intoxicating his sane mind. Baekhyun tightly grips the hem of his shirt and closes his eyes in the process. But before he could feel the taller's alluring lips on his, the cell phone kept on the night table rings allerting Chanyeol from his action. He backs away completely, looking at the smaller's eyes now wide open who tries to breathe normally.

"Shit!" Chanyeol mutters under his breath as he realizes what he was about to do. The phone buzzes for the second but he chooses to ignore it. What matters more is now to apologise to the unresponsive smaller male infront of him!

"B-Baekhyun? Hey I am so sorry, I-I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." The idol apologises. He feels so bad. He, though unknowingly, was about to take advantage of Baekhyun! He didn't mean that. He just got lost in the smaller's pretty face, pretty eyes, pretty everything that he forgot to be in the right state of mind!

The smaller finally calms down and looks at the idol with his back still attached to the wall. He smiles which makes Chanyeol feel at ease, "Th-that's fine Mr. Park. It just happened in the heat of the moment. D-don't worry."


"Mr. Park. That's alright. You don't need to apologise more. Just forget it." Baekhyun gives a assuring smile to Chanyeol, still a red tint visible on his cheeks to see the still bare upper bodied Chanyeol.

Baekhyun is an adult. He knows the idol isn't a pervert. It was just something that flowed mindlessly. He understands Chanyeol. Even he was bewitched by the taller's handsome features which is why he didn't stop their proximity. He feels content that Chanyeol is mature enough to apologise. He liked that about the taller. It boosted the image of the taller in his eyes, making the core of his heart warm with a strange feeling.

"Alright, I- I'll just pick up the phone call. Have a good night B-Baekhyun." Chanyeol speaks massaging his forehead. He relaxes a bit that Baekhyun is atleast considerate of the situation.

Baekhyun smiles again and Chanyeol stares at the beauty, a smile creeping up on his face as well. "Okay, Mr. Park, have a good sleep." Baekhyun walks towards the door and exits the room.

Chanyeol sighs deeply. He walks to his closet and wears his comfortable sweatpants and a blue Tshirt before picking his phone up from the night stand. He checks his mobile and sees there are 2 missed calls from his Boss, Lee Soo-man. He immediately dials it as he reckons it must be something important.

"Park!" The boss exclaims aloud, though his voice sounded happy. " I wish you a happy birthday Park!"

"Boss, Seriously, like now?" Chanyeol scoffs yet a small chuckle escapes his mouth. Like seriously his boss has called just for this and he thought it would be important!

"Yes, because I forgot to wish you in the morning as I had a very important meeting to attend. I couldn't join you at lunch. It's 11.30 pm, so I guess I am not that late."

"Yes, you are not Boss. Thanks for the wish. Good night." Chanyeol chuckles. His boss sometimes can be really funny. It's not rare to see this friendly side of his boss as he has known him for years now. The 47 year-old man treats Chanyeol like his son and Chanyeol respects it.

Placing his phone in the bedside table, he swips under the blanket to sleep. He puts his right arm over his forehead and closes his eyes but the incident that happened few minutes ago fills his mind with thoughts. If it was some other person, he would have never cared about their consent for trying to kiss! But Baekhyun is different than those people.

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