• N I C K •

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(A/N: so I wanna say thank you to @gallyluvbot because they gave me a lot of requests or ideas, I'm basically just gonna use a ton of those because I feel like I can make something outta that. And for some reason it won't let me comment on here. So if you're wondering why I don't respond, that's why.)


Readers pronounce: they/them


Right now me and the triplets are in our way to an ice skating rink. I'm pretty good at skating but I've had my fair share of falls, shit hurts.

I heard that Nick isn't very good at ice skating, which is a good thing 'cause that means I can help him and spend more time with him.

Here's a little background of mine and the triplets relationship. I've been friends with them since we were in middle school. I've had a crush on Nick since 7th grade. I don't really know how he feels about me though, but that's ok.

"We're here," Matt said.

Once we went inside the rink Chris fell.

"Do you need help?" I asked him, trying to hold back my laugh.

"No I got it,"

"Ok," and I started skating around.

After awhile of passing the boys while skating, I saw Nick definitely needed help, he was falling on his ass every 2 minutes.

"Here, let me help you," I grabbed his hand. He took it and I told him to just hold my hand and I would help him get better.

We were skating around for awhile, and he seemed to get the hang of it.

"Do you want me to let go now?" I questioned.

"No I like holding your hand," he said. I practically gave him heart eyes. I feel like I'm on cloud 9.

Nicks POV:

I didn't wanna let go because I like Y/N, a lot. They make me feel comfortable. Every time Matt or Chris are yelling at me, they'll tell them to leave me alone. They're a very good person and general.

Y/N almost fell but I caught them by their waist. We just stared at each other. Suddenly I leaned in and kissed her. We stayed like that for a moment, then they pulled away.

"Is this you telling me you like me?" They asked.

"I guess so," I told them.

"We'll then I guess I like you, too," they teased. Then they pulled me back and kissed me again.

"Ok lovebirds we get it," Matt said.


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