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Did I ever mention

how telling you are?

Is it really that strange,

does it seem so bizarre?

When even a difference

in the way that you stride

reveals to me all that

you're trying to hide;

Do you really think that

I still cannot hear

the way your voice falters,

the way it lacks cheer?

Whenever you get

that strange look in your eye,

do you really think that

it passes me by?

Do you really think that

I'm too blind to see?

That I can't discern it

When you talk to me?

So why do you hide it?

Why be so untrue?

When you, of all people,

know it hurts me too?

So stop your pretending.

I'll lend you an ear;

if you ever need me,

you know I'm right here. 


Another Time, Another Place.    [Poems and Prose]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt