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A/N: I apologize for not updating this book in like a week.

Steve went out of the house, ready for work, he went into the shed in their backyard, and then he closed the door. He put down the bags on the floor and then moved the rug. He then opened the trapdoor that was under the rug.

He went down, the lights opened and all of his weapons were. He then grabs some weapons that he needed (including bombs and cash), he put them all in his bag.


Natasha woke up and got up from the bed, she then went into the kitchen and grabs two mugs. She then pressed some button on the two ovens (some kind of password), the two over doors opened, and then a platform of arranged weapons came out.

Natasha grabs a knife and gun, then she pressed buttons again and the platform of weapons closed, turning it into any regular ovens again.

She pours herself a coffee and pours coffee on Steve's mug, she then closed the oven doors with her feet.

"Coffee?" Steve asked as he sits down on the chair.

"Over there," Nat said pointing at the coffee next to Steve.

"Thanks," Steve said as he drinks it all.

Natasha made a weird face, "Are you okay? You just drank the whole of it," Natasha said looking at him.

"Yeah, I just need to go to work now," Steve said kissing Natasha's forehead.

"Aren't you gonna eat the Omellete that I made you?" Natasha asked him pouting, Steve sighed.

"It's urgent, but I bet it tastes delicious," Steve said.

"That's what you always said," Natasha said rolling her eyes.

"I'll make it up with you tonight," Steve said smiling.

"Okay, bye," Natasha said smiling.

"Bye," Steve said kissing her before going.


Steve then went into a building.

"Good morning, Mr. Smith, there's trouble in Atlanta, again," Peggy said.

"Well, that's what I heard, anyway, what'd you got?" Steve asked.

"I got your boarding pass, your taxi receipts, and your hotel bill," Peggy said.

"Also, get rid of that gum," She said giving him all of the things that he needed.

"You got a tissue?" Steve asked Peggy.

Peggy gave him a tissue, "Gross," Peggy said as Steve spits out the gum onto the tissue and gave it to Peggy, Peggy then threw it into the garbage can.

"Don't lose those, keep them in the envelope, Steve," Peggy said.

"Yup, okay," Steve said nodding as he head towards Scott.

"Hey, Cap, we've got new specs on the dam," Scott said handing him papers.

"That's good, I'll check it out, thanks Scott," Steve said going to another room.

"No problem, Captain," Scott said smiling.

"Is Sam and Bucky here?" Steve asked.

"The door's unlocked," Peggy said.

"Hey, punk," Bucky said opening the door.

"How are you doing?" Steve asked smiling.

"Still the same, people need killing," Bucky said smiling.

"Oh, and Steve, we'll have a little get-together this weekend at Sam's house," Bucky said.

"Barbeques, no ladies, dudes only. It's going to be fun!!" Bucky shouted.

"I'm gonna ask Nat if she'll allow me to," Steve said unlocking the door to his 

"You want to use my cellphone? Maybe give her a call!" Bucky shouted as Steve went into his office room and shut the door.

"No thank you, pal," Steve said with a sigh.

 (Sorry if this is too short)

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