SOUL (1)

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Only in the dark
can I be out with
all that explains what
I am.

In the dark,
Crying out my pain
while listening to
depressing sounds.

I feel lost
So dark
and useless.

These thoughts about
myself are draining.
I have got no resort
but my tears and pen

I try to be done
with all of this
troubles but it's
not as simple as it sounds.

I have come to realise that
I do not need a shoulder
to cry on.Possibly because
I'm incapable or way past it.

Different promises from
different people on
different matters on
different days without fulfillments.

I am done trying to
be the saint.
I'm done being the
ninny here.

I'm not as naive
as I look,but
there's no point sharing
how I feel with you.

I am Dark
My thoughts are
My soul might be,so
I guess my entire existence is.

I'm locking out all of
this emotions in
a chest that will
will never be found.

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