A Matter of Mating: Chapter #1 (Locker Room)

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Stiles was so excited to find out that he made the team and not just any team but his college swim team. After tryouts were over Stiles had been a nervous wreck about them and was an anxious pacing mess until the email came about those who made it. Stiles curled into Derek's side on the couch as he opened the email with shaky hands and stuttering breath. When Stiles saw his name on the list of those that had made the team, he was speechless. This of course meant Derek was slightly concerned until Stiles began to ramble like crazy about it.

Derek chuckled softly at his boyfriend's excitement and listened to him gush about it the entire weekend. Stiles's excitement and enthusiasm was always infectious, and Derek couldn't help the grin that formed on his face as he listened.

When Monday rolled around, Stiles was both anxious and extremely excited for the first swim team practice. As soon as the professor dismissed Stiles's last class of the day, he raced to the locker room. Once there, he changed into the required swim trunks and headed out to the pool. He took a few minutes to admire the water as it rippled and breathed in the smell in the air.

It wasn't long before the rest of the swim team arrived along with their coach, and they started practice. They worked on speed first and Stiles was pleased to discover he and one other teammate were neck and neck for speed. Her name was Lydia Martin. He knew this because they had several classes together. That meant that they spent quite a bit of time together and became really good friends.

Lydia introduced him to her girlfriend Allison and Stiles introduced them both to his boyfriend Derek. The four of them were always seen together except when it came to swim team practices. During that time, Allison had a martial arts class across town and Derek had work downtown. Stiles and Lydia remained neck and neck in speed, but they didn't mind a bit.

When practice ended for the day, they shared a high five before heading to the locker rooms to shower and head home.

Stiles grabbed a towel that he always used when he showered. It had been a gift from Derek, and it was so soft. Not to mention it smelled like Derek. If he wasn't eager to get showered and get home, he would probably bury his nose in the towel and just inhale Dere's scent forever. Shaking those thoughts away with a blush, he showered and allowed his eyes to close. With a content sigh, he melted under the hot water. He took his time in the shower. None of the other guys on the swim team used the locker room anyway. He didn't know why they didn't, but he wasn't about to complain. Stiles started to hum softly in the shower before he began to sing. It wasn't something he did except when he was alone. Not even Derek had heard Stiles sing. At least Stiles didn't think he had. So yeah, as far as Stiles was aware no one had heard him sing other than his mother when he was little.

After he finished his shower, he wrapped the towel around his waist and headed to his locker to grab out his clothes. He used a smaller towel that he also brought from home to dry his hair and he chuckled to himself as he did. Stiles remembered how awkward his arrival at home had been when Derek could smell another wolf all over the towel despite it having been washed before Stiles used it.

Stiles was busy getting lost in the memory but was drawn out of it when his phone chimed with a text from the very person he had been thinking about.

Hey you. I got off work early. What do you say I pick you up and we go out? <3

Stiles bit his lip unable to stop the grin from forming on his face, not that he wanted to stop it. He loved when Derek used text symbols, especially hearts. He brushed his hair out of his eyes and blinked the water droplets from his eyelashes. He chewed his lip and was about to reply. Before he got more than a couple words typed, he heard a ruckus of voices coming into the locker room. He knew immediately who they were, and he subtly shook as he thought to himself, 'Alpha Jocks.'

A Matter of Matingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें