A Matter of Mating: Chapter #4 (Misplaced)

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Derek didn't waste any time and texted Lydia back.

I'm coming straight there. I fucked up and I know that. Can you let the Sheriff know I'm on my way?

Derek? You are not the sole person with culpability here. Don't forget that and yes. I'll let him know.

The knot that started forming in Derek's chest loosened at her words. He still felt guilty, but it was easier to bear knowing that she understood.

You're an angel Lyds.

Derek looked at Peter. "Do you-Could you-I need to-" Derek huffed and looked beseechingly at his uncle. "Stiles."

Peter scoffed in mock offense and sniffed haughtily as he rolled his eyes. "I've got the body. Go get your boo."

The younger wolf snorted and with a smirk pulled his uncle into a bone crushing hug. Peter snarled in annoyance, but his scent had a little air of pleased to it. Derek quickly got in his car and sped towards the Stilinski house.


Stiles stared at the floor of his childhood bedroom as he sat on the edge of his small twin bed for the first time since he moved in with Derek. He slowly brought his gaze up and glanced around his room, his shoulders sagging. Guilt settled like a concrete block in the pit of his stomach over the way he left Derek there. Stiles didn't want to dwell on it, but his thoughts began to spiral despite his best efforts to prevent it. He should have stayed and talked to Derek. Maybe it was a misunderstanding. What if Derek thinks Stiles left him for good? What if he thinks Stiles slept with Brandon? What if-Stiles shakes his head. No. Derek's wouldn't and couldn't. It's possible that Stiles would have kept going round and round with what ifs, but he was startled out of his thoughts by a knock on his bedroom door. "Come in," he croaked.

Noah stepped in and held out a bottle of water to his son. "Hey kiddo."

"Hey Daddio," Stiles replied softly and took the water with a grateful smile. Though it probably didn't look like a smile.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Noah asked.

Stiles glanced at his dad after downing half the bottle and nodded slowly.

It took a few minutes for his dad to get settled on Stiles's old desk chair, but the younger man waited patiently. He fiddled with the label on the bottle until his dad spoke again, "I'm all ears."

"Well, this is probably too much information." He nearly laughed at his dad's grimace, but Stiles didn't feel like laughing.

Noah nodded. "Okay. Well, go ahead and tell me. We'll see what we can do."

Stiles nodded and side. "Well as you know Derek is my alpha. I mean of course you know cause-"

"He asked me, and I gave my permission. I quite like the man, kiddo. So, what happened with Derek?"

"Well, nothing really happened?"

"That sounds like a question to me."

A huff came from Stiles to cover up a soft sob. "Well, despite not having claimed me, we have had a lot of sex." He blushed when his dad quirked a brow.

Noah nodded. "Uh huh. Well that hardly seems like something put you in the state you arrived here in. Was-I mean-is the sex terrible or something? With the way he looks I would have thought that-"

"Daaaaad!" Stiles groaned with crimson flushed cheeks.

"Okay, Stiles," he said with a laugh. "I'm sorry. Keep going."

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