A Matter of Mating: Chapter #3 (Just Keep Swimming)

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⚠️ Warning: ⚠️This chapter contains non-con elements, derogatory language, attempted sexual assault/rape and a minor character death. Take care!!


Derek woke up just as the sun was rising and looked down at his boyfriend held tight against his chest. He smiled as he started rubbing small circles on Stiles's lower back and nuzzled his nose into the crook of the omega's throat. There was nothing like the scent of Stiles.

Stiles whined and then melted into his touch as his eyes slowly fluttered open. He looked at Derek sleepily and Derek kissed his nose. Stiles wiggled and then scrunched up his nose as a blush colored his cheeks.

Derek laughed softly. "Good morning, Little Wolf."

Stiles blushed a little darker and nuzzled Derek's neck with another whine as he inhaled deeply, his body going pliant. "Alpha."

The wolf purred at that, and he kissed Stiles's forehead. "How's my god, perfect and beautiful omega this morning?"

Stiles stiffened only slightly but softly replied, "M'okay. I'm sorry I got so emotional."

Derek held him close and shook his head. He gently nipped at the omega's nose and used a crooked finger to lift Stiles's chin. "Don't you be sorry honey. You had a scary experience yesterday but I'm here now and I promise you're safe."

As Stiles started to say something in reply, his phone chimed making him burrow tighter against Derek. Derek shushed him as he reached for the phone checking it. He kept rubbing small circles on Stiles's back to keep him calm. "Hmm. Looks like your coach sent out an email. Seems since you have a swim meet in a couple weeks, he needs you at practice."

Stiles shivered slightly and then started shaking. His head whipped back and forth even as he buried his face against the wolf's throat. "No. I-I don't want to go. I-I I q-quit."

Derek sat the phone down, bringing his hand to cup Stiles's cheek. It took a minute or two to coax the omega out of the safe scenting of Derek's throat, but the alpha couldn't help the fond look in his eyes when they met wide amber orbs. Stiles's eyes had always drawn him in. So much like a beta wolf's eyes but so uniquely Stiles.

The omega's lips pushed out in a pout that Derek nipped at until he got a tiny, twitching smile in reply. Derek tilted his head. "Honey, you wanted to be on the team so badly and you're so damn good at it. Why would you quit what you love?"

Stiles's lower lip quivered. "I'm scared. W-What if they don't accept a no next time? What if they mount me and force me to mate with them? What'll happen to us? You won't want me then and-and I'll b-be h-hi-his."

Tears started to stream down the younger man's cheeks as Stiles searched Derek's face. The alpha looked at the man he loved and saw how much fear and pain was plaguing him. He opened his mouth to reply with something only to-

"I love you. Derek, I lo-D-Don't you-I-I love you and I want it to be you." Stiles bared his neck in submission, a high pitched and desperate whine echoing from the pale column.

Derek's heart swelled at the action, his gums itching to bite but instead he kissed Stiles gently. He couldn't bite. Not yet. The kiss made Stiles whine even more as he eagerly kissed the alpha back.

They kissed slowly and passionately for a while, the kisses eventually tapering off. Derek pulled back, meeting the amber eyes he loved so much. "I love you too, honey. So damn much and I promise you'll be ok. I want it to be me too."

Stiles sniffled and then tried to go in for another kiss, but Derek stopped him with a shake of his head. Stiles frowned and his breath hitched. "But I-"

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