A Matter of Mating: Chapter #5 (The Truth Unfolds)

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Stiles slept soundly in Derek's arms and woke just as the sun began to rise. His eyelashes fluttered against his pale skin as he roused. It was silent in the house aside from the breathing of his alpha and himself. The peaceful serenity was soothing to Stiles, and he smiled, nuzzling his cheek against Derek's shoulder. He looked at Derek and sighed contentedly. He could tell Derek was deep asleep.

Something inside Stiles preened at the peacefully sleeping alpha. To be the one who made Derek's wolf feel safe enough to sleep was a heady feeling. Stiles lied there feeling a sort of humble power at the knowledge. When he and Derek first got together, the alpha was a lot more closed off and cautious. Derek's armor used to be thicker than a dragon's hide but little by little Stiles worked his way in and here he is verbally—hopefully soon officially—claimed by the man.

Derek inhaled deeply and rumbled in his chest, his eyes fluttering slightly but he didn't wake. Long slender fingers carded through raven locks with a soft smile. Silently, slowly and carefully, Stiles got up and padded across the hallway. He looked at himself in the mirror and wondered what he had to offer Derek. It was a constant thought especially when looking at the two of them side by side. Still Derek chose him and that had to mean something. Stiles shook his head and grabbed his toothbrush. His favorite toothpaste has always been orange mint. Derek always knows where to get it and one time the alpha drove two towns over just to find a store that had it in stock. The omega smiled at that memory that elicited butterflies in his stomach.

Once he had rinsed his mouth, he decided to take a long hot shower. Stiles was tempted to take a bath but decided against it. He liked baths best with Derek. Not wanting his dad to walk in or anything, Stiles closed the door and stripped. Goosebumps pebbled over his naked form as he turned on the water. He purred softly at the hot water just on the right side of scalding. With an excited shiver he stepped into the tub and closed the curtain. Stiles sighed softly in contentment as he leaned his forehead against the tiles. The hot water was able to hit right between his shoulder blades. Immediately the tension left him.


For a few moments he considered having some self love time but then shook his head. While he could get there with his small omega cock and his hole or both, he preferred it when Derek did it. Stiles blushed as he soaped up his body from head to toe and then rinsed. Yeah. Things with Derek were always better. So, he went ahead and soaped up his hair after the suds had been rinsed from his body.

The omega purred in satisfaction when he got out. Everything smelled like lavender, cinnamon and a hint of coconut. One of his dad's towels was freshly washed and waiting in the cupboard. He latched onto it and wrapped it around his waist. When he peeked out of the bathroom, there was still no sound from his room or his dad's. Stiles frowned, wondering why Derek wasn't up yet. He shrugged it off. Both of them were emotionally exhausted. He won't wake up his wolf just yet.

After debating for a few minutes, Stiles headed back into the bedroom where Derek was still asleep but now on his stomach. Stiles grinned at his mat-Well who he hoped would be his mate. The omega placed a butterfly kiss on the alpha's head stifling a chuckle when the alpha pushed into it.

Stiles could just stare at Derek for hours and never get tired of it. Before he could get too lost in that train of thought though, he heard Derek's phone chime. Normally Stiles wouldn't check it but with Derek being asleep it seemed to him he should be a good boyfriend and help. At least that's what he told himself as he picked it up from the nightstand.

[From: Peter]
Hello Nephew. I'm sure you're enjoying your little omega right now, but I just wanted to let you know that the alpha is taken care of. Well, his body is I mean. After all it was really you that "took care" of him. Say hello to Stiles for me.

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