The Amazing Spider-man 3

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                                                                                       Authors note

Hello everyone, I appreciate you taking the time to read my story. This is my very first fanfiction story, so keeping that in mind. On another note, I am a college student, so I will update the story when I can. Finally, any comments on this would be greatly appreciated and included in future chapters and stories. To give some background to the story, I want to dive deep into a direction for where a third amazing Spiderman film could go, especially with the events that unfolded in No Way Home.

                                                                                 Chapter 1: Hello New York

Back in New York! No more spells, dreams, or alternate realities. Peter wakes up a top in his suit, a top none other than the Empire state building. The rainy dark sky is illuminated by the flashing lights of the commercial buildings and the endless line of the taxi's flashing lights. The past events in another world with the other spider-men are all but a distant memory, more like a dream. To have friends brothers who knew exactly what he was going through gave Peter a sense of peace. Something that he hadn't had since before that fateful night, back when he had Gwen.

"Gwen, I wish that you were here right now." Peter whispered into the mist of the night.

As Peter begins to swing back to his apartment, the dreariness of the evening sky matches that of his feelings. On the one hand, he was content with the brothers he had found in the alternative versions of Peter Parkers from these similar but different lives than his own. While the time with these other Parkers was a rejuvenating sensation in the reunion within them, there remains the fact that there was still a struggle within himself. The fact that unlike the older Parker, he had gone to revenge, stopping how he had conducted Spider-man before losing Gwen. A dark time in which, as he told the other Spider-men, he had, in fact quit pulling his punches.

While inside the apartment for which Peter had moved into shortly after his period of darkness in the wake of Gwen's death. Unable to come to terms with his grief and anger to confront Aunt May, he decided to move into the city to get a decent job away from Oscorp. The same company that brought all of the pain brought upon himself to pursue happiness with Gwen. Through the tragedies involved in Dr. Connors and former best friend, Harry Osborn. Peter shivered at just the thought of him as Peter opened the window to his dreary apartment.

As the creaking of his window, Peter slipped in quietly into his apartment. He was stepping in and flicking on the lights to his new apartment. Peter takes in the scene of his brand-new apartment, pausing on his reflections of the past. He was tired of the events of the day's past and weary of the people he had found resolve in now once again gone. Weariness overtook him as Peter took off his suit, threw it in his closet, and finally fell asleep as his head hit the pillow.

Elsewhere, staring into the dreary night through his cell in Ravencroft is none other than Harry Osborn looks out his window in the night sky. His thoughts have been dwelling only on one thing, Peter Parker, otherwise known as Spider-Man. While he had found a cruel joy in the death of Gwen Stacy, his anger had not quenched for his hatred of Peter. To put his plans into fruition, there needed to be a way in which he could take out Spider-man. It would be impossible to do it himself regardless of whether or not he could get out of Ravencroft. Luckily for Harry, there was an ally in the case of the Gentlemen. The Gentlemen who had come to him soon after his imprisonment at the hands of Spider-man. Just as he had thought of his new associate, he also appeared.

"Hello, Mr. Osborn." He spoke with the low gravitas echoing the seriousness of reason for his visit.

"Are all the pieces in place as I have laid out?" Harry, interrogated, wanting the plan to go about with no problems, listened intently.

"The plan will be ready within the week; the trap is set, now all we need is a target to get to Mr. Parker." Explained the Gentlemen.

Then with a sly smile, Osborn replies, "There is one person who will pull Spider-man out of his hiding and into the light. Her name is May Parker."

After learning this information, the Gentlemen were ready to establish his plan, as had by presented to him by his boss. He was thinking to himself how to entrap May Parker to pull off this plan to kill Spider-man finally.

Meanwhile, as the rain slowly lulled to a stop and the sun rose and peeked through the blinds of Peter's apartment. The alarm that had always been set on Peter's phone went off. The frantic beeping of his phone like a call to war jumped Peter from his sleep. Awake now and ready to start his within his groggy eyes through some pieces of toast into the toaster and now dressed for work at the Daily Bugle. Realizing that he would be late if he didn't hurry with the busy lifestyle of downtown New York. As Peter rushed down the stairs and turned the corner outside, he ran into someone else, knocking down all her books.

"Hey! Watch where you're going, jerk!"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to run into you like that." Peter announced as he helped pick up her textbooks.

"My name is Peter. Peter Parker and I live in the apartment down the street." Peter replied, handing her the dropped textbooks. Taking in her appearance, wholly taken away by her beauty.

"Sorry I was so rude. No one pays much attention to me with all of my books. Especially in these open streets, my name is Mary Jane Watson. I'm actually on my way to class. I go to Empire State for school." Mary Jane replied nervously.

"Well, I am actually on my way there! I have to interview with none other than Dr. Michael Morbius. I would be more than glad to walk you there, Ms. Watson. That is if you will let me." Peter finished nervously.

Mary Jane smiled at the nervousness that Peter was displaying. "Well, how chivalrous of you, Mr. Parker. I would be more than happy to take up your offer."

After talking over the places to go in the city, they arrived at the Empire State campus. They arrive at the beautiful campus and go their separate ways. While Peter took in the campus, about to grab a bite to eat before his meeting, the distant sound of police sirens caused Peter to have to abandon his lunch plans to help solve this upcoming crime. As Peter leaped off the building, now dressed as Spider-man swinging to the apparent crime, he yelled, "Hello New York!"

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