Chapter 7

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 Chapter 7: New Beginnings and New Threats

The day of the funeral came for May Parker. Even though the life for Peter has been one in which he was turning a corner, but the guilt of his loss to the assassin. The fact that he was not strong enough to stop such an attack as Spider-man would have to not be an issue. This hunter being one in which drove Peter to anger. The life of Peter while still dealing with the tragedy of May Parker's death seemed to be laying down on Peter. His newfound friendship with Mary Jane Watson seemed to be one where the peace he sought after came back into his life. The thoughts of her seemed to be more apparent every day, this person who he could rely on in this tough time to be distracted in which was necessary to stay afloat for the needs of defending this city as Spider-man.

The life of the city seemed to be vibrant in the life of people being outside in the city. A cool autumn day that the energetic feel, the birds still singing out in this afternoon, the changing of the guard from the summer into the season of fall was clear through these leaves. The color being so bright and ranging in beautiful colors like the sunsets that enlightened the day of anyone who has seen them. This allowed Peter to have his spirits be lifted in such a way that he could try to deal with this funeral.

Coming up on the funeral home expecting to be alone but was pleasantly surprised to find that none other than Mary Jane Watson was before him. The fact that she had shown up beforehand to be with him on this day. It meant a lot to him that she would take the time to help him through this day. Her presence met the world to him, and he would make sure she knew it as well.

"Mary Jane! It is so good to see you. I expected you to come, but not to be here before everything started."

"Peter, we are friends, you can call me MJ."

"Well MJ, I am glad that you are here with me. It has been really tough to not have my Aunt May around especially with all of the chaos going around."

Taking Peter's hand and gently guiding him to one of the tables in order to have him sit in his momentary vulnerable state to really connect with one another. As MJ noticed him and then sought to bring him back into the person he is. Seeing Peter partially flustered from the support that he has been showing and that his life won't be desolate. In which Peter was being weighed down by the problems that laid before him, the fact being that this group of sinister people have escaped and are on the loose and that one of them hired an assassin to kill Aunt May leaving Peter injured and without a powered suit. As Peter had to go back to his original suit that he had first created in the weeks after becoming Spider-man. All of those hectic thoughts came to a stop when he sat down and looked into the eyes of his new friend, his only friend. One where he could be at peace once again since he never really got the chance to do with the events involving Aunt May that he was just starting to reconnect with.

"Peter you need to take time to be yourself. I can see how stressed that you are, you don't have to do this alone and I am willing to walk with you."

Pulling back her hand quickly at the implications that were left unsaid from that particular choice of words and what he might think. The slight blush coming upon her cheeks caused her to turn away and not wanting to be embarrassed by the misleading comment.

"Its okay MJ. I know what you meant, but I am a big boy, I can handle myself."

"Peter don't shut me out! I want to be able to help you. So let me." Her eyes

Then appearing from behind the two stopping the conversation in their tracks the funeral home attendant appeared behind them.

"I am sorry to interrupt, but guests will soon be arriving to prepare for the funeral."

"Thank you, sir. I will be up front in just a moment."

Then with that Peter got up and made his way to the bathroom to give himself a moment to prepare for the visitors that would soon be swarming him. Knowing that the guilt, sadness, and even anger being the prevalent thoughts of the last memories in which he cannot tear himself away from. Finally, with one last splash of water, Peter Parker engaged on a new mission, making it through this funeral.

Elsewhere, Harry Osborn was drinking in the news of May Parker's death. The first phase of the plan was complete by the psychological destruction of Peter Parker in which he had to pay a hefty price to complete such a task. Now the real threat was to draw out Spider-man with his new team of enhanced individuals.

Looking back to the others, it was clear that more recruits were going to be needed in order to cause any real damage Spider-Man. Harry turning to his computer began to continue researching to add of any other people who could help. After taking some time he came across another experimental scientist, Doctor Otto Octavius. A man working with cutting edge nano technology that could be useful in terms of a weapon to be implemented against Spider-man could be useful. Picking up his phone to call the Gentlemen himself to prepare to bring him in to work at Oscorp in hopes of gaining an advantage.

"Soon we will meet again Spider-Man."             

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