The Amazing Spider-man 3

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                                                                                 Authors note

Wow! The amount of people that have viewed this story is amazing! I hope you guys really enjoy it. Once again, any comments would be greatly appreciated as I go on with how to improve the story overall. Plus, I'd love to interact with all of you, so please comment!

                                                             Chapter 2: Chess Pieces coming together

Harry viewed the outside from his cell, noting that the final pieces of his plan came together to finally institute the revenge that he desired for his former friend. The deafening silence around the room except for the quiet tapping of the rain as it slowly subsided to a stop and up rose the sun.

"As long as the Gentleman sticks to the plan, I will be able to take back Oscorp. Then once I rid myself of Parker, then I can fully achieve my plan." Harry spoke to himself in anticipation. Counting down the last couple of steps of his plan until he was ready to spring himself from the treachery of Ravencroft.

Elsewhere entering the building of the Daily Bugle for his interview Eddie Brock looked nervous. Since arriving in New York on a mission to find the Spider-man, he had heard from the bartender in that distinctly different universe. Eddie shook his head to get his mind to focus back in on the moment for this very important interview. Taking one last breath before walking into this intense interview process, so that he could have some security with his new life in New York.

"Hello, Mr. Jameson."

"Who are you? Why are you here" exclaimed the editor.

"My name is Eddie Brock. I am here for the interview that I applied for." Eddie replied as he straightened his tie. Nervous from the interrogative tone presented by the head of the Daily Bugle.

"Sit down kid." Mumbled back Jameson, as he chewed on his cigar and worked his lighter for a smoke.

"Tell me a little bit about yourself, Brock." Inquired Jameson as he took in the potential candidate.

"Well, I led an independent freelance journalism show known as the Eddie Brock Report. This show was the most viral news program in the greater San Francisco area." Gleamed Brock reminiscing of his past life with Anne Weying prior to their breakup. Realizing he got sidetracked with the reminiscing of days past, now looking and listening to the incoming words coming from his potential boss.

"Well, with your success, I think there can be a future for you here Brock."

"Thank you, sir!"

"Starting tomorrow, I want you to start digging into and finding pictures for this Spider-man."

"Spider-man? I thought that he was a hero, in a group of heroes I thought?"

"Spider-man is a Menace!" Yelled Jameson

"I want you to find anything that can incriminate this masked vigilante! I'm going to pay you for quality shots of Spider-man, and weekly pay."

"Well, that works for me. I will get started on that for you tomorrow." Eddie stated as he shook Jameson's hand.

Eddie Brock was ecstatic about getting a job with the Daily Bugle. The pieces of his life in New York finally fall into place.

Elsewhere after dealing with the robbery, Peter sat atop a building eating a sandwich now that he actually had a chance to eat a meal. The chaos of the incidents forced Peter to postpone his lunch. Eating the sandwich as he heard his stomach growling in anticipation for the nutrients of his impending meal.

Taking in the New York sky with the beautiful scenery after finishing his last sip of water put the trash in the garbage can, went about swinging knowing he had to hurry if he was going to make it back in time for his interview. Peter leaped off the building, the freedom and peacefulness as he fell from the sky. Swinging in the sunset, free from pain, sadness, and bitterness, a little bit of Peter Parker came back into his life. Freedom and joy, shined as bright as the sun that Peter looked at, and his thoughts came back dwelled on one person, the new girl on the street Mary Jane Watson.

As the sun rose on a bright new day, May Parker while sitting down to eat breakfast with a cup of freshly brewed coffee in her hand. Working on the crossword puzzle and enjoying the chirping of the birds in the early morning before the busyness of the workday came about to distract and push peacefulness away until the night with the rising of the moon. Until then though, May was willing to soak in and enjoy the peacefulness as long as it would stay. Though she tried to focus on the crossword puzzle, as it has been for the last five years, her thoughts came back to Peter. The nephew who since moved out has very rarely talked to her. She misses and worries about Peter very much, but knows not to push him to open up.

Ever since the death of his then-girlfriend Gwen Stacy, May noticed the change in Peter's personality. She noticed early on and even more so as time went on the effect that losing Gwen had on Peter. When she did push Peter to come out of his shell again it only backfired in the defensiveness and fighting. After many fights and an eventual moving out by Peter, desperate Phone calls to Peter ultimately went unanswered. The thought of Peter avoiding her efforts to reconnect still saddens her. Wiping away the stray tear from her eye and pulling herself back together decided to refocus on solving the puzzle in front of her.

May now razor-focused and looking for the last clue was disturbed by the phone's ringing sound. Rushing to answer the phone as quickly and gracefully as possible ending in her being slightly out of breath she answered.

"Hello, this is the May Parker residence."

"Hey, Aunt May this is Peter."

May stammered, stunned by the fact that Peter had called her after all this time. Took a nervous breath before listening to Peter's next words as if they would be his last.

"I was hoping I could stop by sometime and have a cup of coffee with you. I know it's been a long time, but I wanted to explain some things, and apologize."

"Peter, of course, you can come over how about this weekend." May replied ecstatically about the fact that Peter would visit did a little happy dance in the fact that she would see Peter for the first time in five years.

"Thanks Aunt May, I will definitely stop by I will see you then!"

"All right, I will talk to you later Peter. I love you Peter Parker and I hope you know that."

I know May, I just hope to be able to live up to your level someday. I'll talk to you later May."

"Okay, bye!"

"Well, I guess Peter is coming. I better go pick up some groceries before Peter comes to see me." May spoke to herself as she picked up her coat and keys before walking out the door.

Listening, to this whole conversation in his black sedan the Gentlemen kept an eye on May Parker as she journeyed for daily activities.

"The chess pieces are falling into place." The Gentlemen replied to himself as he pulled up the contact on his phone.

Sighing the Gentlemen resorted to preparing for the call. "Time to call in the Hunter"

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