Chapter 5

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Authors Note: First, sorry for the long time since my last post homework seems to never end. The only thing I can promise is that I will at some point I will continue posting and at some point will complete this story. Again, one way to keep me excited is in way of comments. I find great joy in reading them. On a sidenote, in a review it came to my attention that it was not clear about my approach with Venom/Eddie. The rumor is that The Amazing Spider-man 3 is going to fall within all Sony product films. This includes Venom and Morbius as made clear with the implementation of their films. So, all their movies are going to be a part of my canon.

Chapter 5: A House in Flames and Fury

As the alarm goes off Peter wakes up rubbing his weary eyes and stretching to get up. The fatigue of once again living a life as Peter Parker again, instead of the past where only Spider-man ruled his life. Getting up and ready to go to work, this story with Dr. Michael Morbius could be huge the cross-species genetics. The future to solving all the diseases that Dr. Curt Connors wanted to solve with this genetic research without the dangerous lengths that he would go. Reflecting on the rise and fall of Dr. Connors and the takeover of the lizard.

"That is enough reflection for one day. I have a best-selling article for the Bugle I have to write."

As Peter then put in his earbuds and walked out the door listening in on the police scanner, he heard the devastating report.

"Multiple reports of bombings going off inside of Ravencroft prison. Hundreds of convicts have escaped into the city. Keep BOLO's out for Goblin, Rhino, and Dr. Connors who are our priority targets."

Peter hearing this report was left stunned and unable to process the very words spoken by this officer. Did Gwen's death mean nothing?

"Harry is out and Ravencroft is gone, there is going to be chaos in the streets. I have to stop these attacks but first I got to go check on May and make sure she is okay." Then putting on his web shooters and rushing to web sling as quickly as possible to get to May's house to be sure she was protected from any possible impending danger as with Harry Osborn knowing he is Spider-man is a threat to her safety.

While Kraven was preparing to enter the house for his hit on May Parker. Mentally preparing for incoming plan for how to execute said plan without a hitch. As Kraven reconned the layout of the household and planting bombs around the main structures of the house.

"Clearly this May Parker has some sort of close relationship to Spider-man, so I won't make it quick. The collapsing of the structure with her in it. A slow and painful death will get at the heart of this matter for Mr. Osborn. As anger leads to mistakes, mistakes lead to vulnerabilities to which I can easily exploit." Kraven reminded himself.

Coming up on the block to Aunt May's house, and swinging in to house desperately trying to find May in her house for relief. Opening the window and entering his former room and briefly taking in the room along with all the memories that have happened in this room. Including the last day before moving out in his dark time of mourning and bitterness in the wake of Gwen's death. Remembering the day as if it was yesterday, recently regretting the decision of leaving on the terms he did with his beloved aunt.

"May, I am going to be moving out and there is no other way you are going to stop me. I want a life outside these four walls, a life worth living."

"Peter Parker, are you implying that Uncle Ben and I held you back?"

"No, May. The memories here from my life with Gwen, you, and Ben are just too much to take in. I need a fresh start away from everyone, including you." Peter replied looking at May's face contorting from worry to heartbreak as she processed the last statement Peter gave her before sadly replying in conclusion.

"Well, I hope you get a nice fresh start somewhere else Peter."

Peter, shaking his head from the memory a little bit heartbroken for not staying with May. The closest thing to a mother and the only family he has left. Peter though not focusing on past woes, but rather focusing on the mission, saving May from the impending threat.

"Well, well, well, isn't it the Spider-man! I didn't actually think you were going to show. My employer has had his predictions about the elderly, and in particular this one." replied the hunter as he lead May by the collar of her shirt.

"I don't know who you are, or who you work for, but you let her go and we can take this outside." Anger pulsing through his veins. Then much to Peter's surprise, his spider-sense kicked in, but it was too late when he heard the sound of the gun go off and May fell down.

"You had your chance, but now I'm going to show you my not-so-friendly neighborhood Spider-man side now." The fight with this trained assassin was someone whom Peter had never seen before, the speed and velocity of each blow was something that was not even on par with any villain he has ever faced. Each attack Peter brought on was countered to perfection. Peter's adrenaline started to fade and the attacks became weaker, slower and less frequent.

"I thought that you had more in you Spidey. I'm actually disappointed in you, I really wanted to get a decent workout in while I get paid. I wasn't paid to kill you yet, no the hit was for your elderly gal there so I will spare you. "Finishing the comment with a hit to the head knocking Peter out. Then walking out of the house, he set off the bomb, walking away from yet another completed job going up in flames. A house in flame and fury a place that only contains memories of the Parker family.

The amazing Spider-man 3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora