Chapter 6: Rising from the Ashes

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Author's Notes: So sorry for no updates in so long, but I definitely needed to take some time away after school finished to recharge the batteries and now, I am back! Please review what you think and let me know what I could improve on for future chapters. Also, I would like to engage with all of you, so please ask me any questions you have, and I will do my best to answer them.

After the fire subsided Peter woke up having to ditch his costume and franticly began to search for Aunt May after remembering that she had been shot in the confrontation between Spider-Man and the assassin. Abandoning any possible connection to Spider-Man and now just Peter Parker the fire burning away the structure of the house made it so that if he did not hurry the chance to save Aunt May from the impending collapse of the house thus ruining any chance to really save Aunt May. Looking frantically going room by room calling out to in fear and hoping to find his aunt eventually Peter worked his way to the living room where his very quick fight ended horrendously. Then fighting through to find Aunt May in the trapped beneath a support beam. Then quickly limping over to where she was, Peter went to move the beam. Grunting with all his strength was just able to move the beam up enough to pull out May from where the beam would have continued to crush her. Once she was pulled from the rambles of the beam Peter carried out Aunt May holding her as they were safely by the sidewalk. Now having the reality of what happened finally come to his mind he pulled holding on to May looking and feeling for a heartbeat but feeling none. The realization came to him in such a way that it broke Peter much like the death of his then girlfriend Gwen Stacy returned to the front of his mind.

"I was not strong enough to save you May. I will make sure to protect those by getting stronger and more powerful by any means necessary. I am sorry I waited so long, I promise that I will protect everyone much better from now on, and this is a promise I love you May." Then getting up and carrying the lifeless body of May Parker to the lights of all the incoming fire trucks and police squad cars that was pulling into the intersection coming to the house of the now deceased May Parker.

As the sun rose the next day Peter had to focus on the funeral and recovery of his own body, which put any crime fighting had to be put on hold. Getting up and dressed for the day to go down to the funeral home for planning. As soon as he exited the apartments and went onto the street Peter once again ran into the beautiful red head that he saw a week ago but feels as if it were years ago after the recent days of sadness and despair that Peter has been going through. The thought of some joy even as short as a small conversation with a friend.

"Mary Jane it is so good to see you again." Smiling and taking in the beauty and relief of a friend much like a man in the desert when coming upon a bottle of water to offer relief.

"Peter! I heard about the house explosion and the fact your aunt died. I am so sorry for your loss." Concluding her greeting and apology with a heartfelt hug with her new friend.

"Thanks, I am actually on my way to go and make arrangements for the funeral."

"Well, I can go with you if you don't have anyone going with you. I know we just kind of met and are barely friends, but I want to be a good friend for you."

"No, I cannot ask you to do that. I am just planning the funeral which I am going to be make pretty simple."

"Alright Peter, but here is my phone number, let me know when the funeral is and I will be there and if you ever need someone to talk to I am always am willing to be someone you can rely on."

"Thanks Mary Jane, I will let you know when the funeral is, and I am lucky to have a friend like you in a time like this." Thankful getting his phone back with Mary Jane's contact added having a friend to count on and help to move on from the tragedy.

"I got to go now Mary Jane, I don't want to be late for my appointment, but we will have to meet up again."

"Alright Peter, see you later. I hope your day gets better, losing family is never easy no matter who they are." Then with one last hug they went their separate ways.

Elsewhere in the city the Hunter emerged from his vehicle and entered the now converted safehouse of Harry Osborn resided in. To what others thought was a normal suburban house just outside of New York city, was a very high-tech facility. When Kraven entered the house and safely vetted by the security team was able to proceed and enter the elevator which was about as high tech as much of the technology at Oscorp. After the descent into the lower level of the household, seeing the high-grade military tech clearly being prepped for a major attack. Turning in his seat to face his hired assassin who took out May Parker listening intently for a word on the status of the current hit that brought in Kraven to be hired for hoping for success.

"Has the job been completed?"

"All done, even with the interference of Spider-Man. I want my pay doubled for the interference for my troubles Mr. Osborn."

"I will pay you for the price that we agreed upon. You agreed upon that price, and you completed the job. A man of your talents should not be slowed down by the threats of a man such as Spider-Man should not stop you from completing such a task unless you are not as talented as they say you are."

"I AM as talented as you have heard, and even more as an assassin."

"Good, then meet this man to receive your funds and keep your phone on and you will hear from me soon in the future." Osborn finished as he handed Kraven the business card with a phone number and address to the gentleman who was clearly the in between man for Harry Osborn and those working for him in and out of the public eye. After taking the card and nodding to this Osborn, turning to leave towards the elevator, the Hunter left as he entered the elevator rising to the main floor of the house and leaving content with the funds he was bound to receive shortly after another successful operation.

Across the city, Peter Parker had just finished meeting with the funeral home with all the arrangements set for the funeral. Exhausted from the events of the day, Peter did not even think about turning on the police scanner from which he always took with him. Going across the sidewalk and just trying to distract himself with the sounds of the busy New York business streets he came to central park looking for a place to sit. Hearing the chirping of the birds, the laughter of kids running around as they played frisbee. Seeing the dogs being walked on this beautiful summer afternoon. Allowing peace to finally return into his life, looking to move forward from the death of Aunt May Peter accepted he was not ready and knew he was going to need get some more strength and need a new suit. Accepting he cannot change the fact that May Parker is gone Peter has in a sense been reborn, rising from the ashes of defeat.

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