Chapter 3

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Authors Note:

To all who have read this so far thank you! Within the first 24 hours of posting chapter two 100 of you have viewed my story. I am floored by the enjoyment that you are all showing me. Also, I am sorry for the delay in updates as midterms have delayed my updates. Finally, a gentle reminder to please comment for feedback or conversation. Now, without further ado Chapter 3!

Chapter 3: The closing of the door

Swinging through New York with a purpose as Spider-man who was starting to live life freely was actually excited breaking up crimes, but he had to hurry up and get back to his apartment and get a chance to sleep.

"I got to get to sleep, the double life is starting to catch up to me." Parker spoke to himself as he got close to his apartment. When he landed and went into the alley behind his apartment. Once he reappeared as Peter Parker, and began walking to get inside and take a nap prior to more crime stopping as Spider-man in the evening.

While jogging around the corner, Peter heard yelling in the distance and went to investigate it. Seeing none other than the person occupying most of Peter's thoughts was right in front of him. Mary Jane Watson and a much older gentleman who appeared to be drunk on the side walk.

"I have a paper to work on!" Spoke Mary Jane running inside the house on the brink of tears.

"I pay for you school! If I say get me a beer, you get me a beer!" Mary Jane's father clearly enraged and drunk slurred in response. Walked to the bench within the garage working on something. Then Peter in his anger went back around the side of the garage, then through on his suit. As Spider-man in his controlled rage stealth fully climbed onto the ceiling silently inching towards the web range in order to web up this sad excuse of a man. Webbing him up to the quickly and silently a sort of pleasure over took him to see the fear in his eyes. Then speaking towards the man who had been cocooned in his webs, he spoke to instill further fear and warning.

"You treat that young woman with respect, or something far worse will come of you"

Then in the blink of an eye, the Spider-man was gone leaving the man hanging unable to move or speak. Leaving him to his thoughts as he hung from the ceiling of the garage. As time past the web fluid finally started to break down, freeing himself from the webbing the man got down and went back to his work bench.

"That stupid Spider-man, I need to get some help to deal with this fool."

Then pulling out his phone and identifying the man to call, anticipating for an answer from his source that could be a threat for Spider-man. Then when he heard the phone pick up and excitement came about as he heard the voice of his assassin for hire.

"Hello, you got a job?"

"Yeah, Adrian. It's the Spider-man, I need you to bring out the Vulture."

"Spider-man huh. I didn't know that he was back, the job won't be cheap."

"If you succeed, then we will get paid. Remember I am the one who had the guts to pay and work for Osborn to keep you alive within that suit. Besides Mr. Osborn has a hefty price on the webhead."

"Fine. I will do it under one condition, I want a team."

"I think I know a guy or two that could help Mr. Toomes."

Walking back to his apartment after hanging up the phone. Processing this team that is coming together to take down the spiteful Spider-man.

"You cannot kill the spider without making him a martyr. I must first make him an enemy of the people through the Bugle with Mr. Jameson." He replied to himself as he created a plan to incriminate Spider-man through the eyes of the law. Then pulling out the Bugle newspaper laying on the workbench and opening to the contact page, dialed the number, and listened as the phone rang.

"Eddie Brock, Daily Bugle reporter how can I help you?"

"Mr. Brock, I have been attacked by the Spider-man. Any chance we could meet up to discuss my traumatic experience?"

"Let's meet up and talk about this over a cup of coffee tomorrow morning at nine. We will push for justice, and make sure everyone knows what you have gone through. Do you have a name?"

"My name is Phillip Watson and am the current head of weapons development for Oscorp industries."

"All right Mr. Watson, I will make sure that we put together a detailed story that will crucify the Spider-man in the paper for this incident that you. Soon the police will be involved and be able to incriminate this vigilante."

"Thank you so much, we will talk soon Mr. Brock. Your words have put my mind at ease that we will be able to appease the severity of this attack in pursuit of justice." Then ending the phone call with a smirk as everything is coming together.

Elsewhere in the office of Eddie Brock sitting in the silence after getting off of the phone with the victim of Spider-man, Eddie determined that he needed to cool off. Once outside, the voice within him replied to him about the current predicament.

"We need to find this guy. That's why we are here, I want to beat the Spider. He is a bad guy."

"We can't kill him; we need to investigate him before we attack him."

"Fine. I will wait for your puny paper article, but only when I get some chocolate."

"Then let's get the Venom some chocolate and get some sleep. If this is the Spider-man we are talking about is as dangerous as Mr. Jameson says he is then there needs to be a detailed plan for us to stop him."

"I agree Eddie."

Then as the conversation completed, Eddie opened the door and walked into the bodega. Concluding the closing of one door and of life for Eddie Brock, and the opening of another.

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