Chapter 4

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     Authors Notes: A few things to note is that I will be incorporating some characters in the Daredevil universe particularly Netflix to tie into this. Do not worry, you only really need to know names. Since I will be using these names, this is clearly going to be non-canonical as Daredevil has been highlighted in the MCU already.

                                                                           Chapter 4: The Sinister Six

    Inside the house and in her room avoiding her father in the argument that had happened a few hours ago. Drawing in her journal, opening herself to the ideas of her imagination instead of the reality of real life. Then taking a glimpse at the screen on the television as Mary Jane removed her headphones saw the new feature of the Daily Bugle which is displaying the new head of Oscorp Industries. Who is being introduced by none other than Wilson Fisk.

"I Wilson Fisk am happy to announce that I will be taking over control of Oscorp Industries. In the merging of Oscorp Industries with Union Allied Construction, there will be widespread expansion not just to Hell's Kitchen and the wider New York area, but also internationally. This city will prosper with the advancements of Union Allied in the acquiring of the scientific knowledge and technology that will not only save lives, but everyone will prosper."

Mary Jane who was left stunned could not believe the news of the infamous Harry Osborn had lost his two-billion-dollar company.

"I cannot believe that Harry Osborn lost everything to this Fisk Character. "

Elsewhere in the Ravencroft prison Harry heard the news of the board of directors appointing the sale to Wilson Fisk. Anger seeping into his very soul at the thought of such betrayal.

"Wilson Fisk cleans up and takes control of my mess once the Osborn's are out of the way. If it is a war he wants he will get it."

Then as the cell door opens, two security guards walk in. On the left-hand side, the man stood to be about six feet tall. The athletic build showed that he had quite a bit of quickness that would be useful in a fight. The man on the right was much stronger, as was evident by his six and almost seven feet tall. It is clear by his ominous and fearful persona as a clear brute. Well capable of handling himself in any fight. As was made evident by the fact that he was clearly a brute. So big and powerful that he probably could have been a bouncer at any bar in New York. Then the man on the right responded to Harry Osborn after a moment of silence.

"Are you ready for your escape sir?"

"Yes, execute phase one and get me out of here."

Then accepting and changing into the mock police officer suit, they walked away unnoticed to anyone's belief as the trio slowly walked out of the prison and away from the sights of the prison. Then entering the unmarked sedan went away. Then as the car pulled away, Harry Osborn gave one look to his paid off officers, and then issued his command.

"I want everyone in Ravencroft released, then I want that despicable building blown up and turned to shreds. Someone needs to be able to show that I am not some weak prick. I will win back my company and kill Spider-man. Now get me out of this stupid orange suit! I want real clothing." Osborn as seriously as he ever spoke with clear disgust in his voice. The officers nodded, understanding their mission for the near future. Then the smaller officer responded in turn after answering a phone call.

"I have a call for you Mr. Osborn. It is from the Hunter; he is ready to proceed with phase two."

"Hello Hunter, have you done what I asked you to do?"

"I have found the house belonging to this May Parker character. I just don't think that she has any connections to this spider thing you told me about. Do you really want to kill her?"

"Is that a no that you are in fact unwilling to kill someone I set out for you to kill you Hunter?"

"No, I will follow through, that is if I am still getting paid. Heard some things in the wind. Like a certain Wilson Fisk is out to take your company. Also, the name is Kraven. You are paying me, might as well get the name right or it could get lost in the wind."

"Fair enough, but I do not pay you for your lip service Kraven. You will get paid and you will not have to worry as my company has liquidated my funds. I am a two-billion-dollar man that you are speaking to. It would be wise to not mess that up with someone who has large connections."

"I understand Mr. Osborn, it will be completed in the morning."

"Good glad to have settled your predicament. Remember Kraven, that the end game is very important as to how we proceed. Spider-man is stronger than you are giving him credit for, and I want to take away a part of his heart and soul. Nothing like the hero being unable to protect an innocent old lady who spends her free time working at the hospital. Once Ravencroft is destroyed and criminals are running around committing felony after felony. Spider-man will have to save everyone, and we can pick our attacks to get at the heart of Spider-man."

"Ah. Brilliant plan Mr. Osborn, but it cannot be just me and you, there must be someone else."

"There are more, I just need you to complete the hit and you will be on this team. You will be a part of the sinister six."       

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