Out of the Frying Pan (من المقلاة)

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"I think this will tell you what happened"

Eyes squeezed tightly shut, scream already formed in his throat, Nicholas was only partially aware of the rush of cold air that whooshed past his face as everything around him exploded into a billion pieces.

"Look out!"

Something fast and heavy collided into his torso and he cried out, having no time to brace himself. The force of the expelling wave shook the entire block, picking him up and tossing him all the way to an intersecting street where he hit the asphalt, catching himself momentarily before he rolled, arms curled up over his head to protect his face and eyes. Bolts of pain shot through his nerves like lightning and he gasped, realizing that, amid his frantic wheezing and the blood raging through his brain, he was still alive.

"Were you talking to yourself or the thing that hit you?" Nino asked in pure confusion

"I think I was talking to myself for a minute before finding out what hit me was-- actually I'll let you find out Akhi"

The object that had struck him hit the ground not far behind, having been thrown clear of him upon impact. Ears ringing, Nicholas rolled onto his stomach, fighting for the strength to stand, even as he blinked through teary eyes to see just what it was that had hit him.

Or, more accurately, who.

It wasn't a piece of debris like Nicholas had anticipated it to be. Instead of a beam or a desk or some other kind of sharp, dangerous piece of equipment, he found himself staring at a living, breathing, heap of red and black, buried beneath what Nicholas could only describe as a cape. A gigantic cape.

"Oh My God, I think I know who it is" Nino said

"well who?" Alya asked in confusion

"I think it is Grimm"

"Your guess would be correct my dear Akhi"

A pained moan rose from the mass, followed closely by a rain of fire and ruin plummeting to the pavement behind him. "Owww," came a weak gravelly voice as his rescuer pushed himself weakly onto his hands and knees, coughing. His words came out sharp, perhaps a little unintentional, foreign even. "That really smarts."

Nicholas, still wheezing, stared as the man rolled unsteadily to his feet, brushing the charred ash from his shoulders and--armor? "What--" he began to question but was rudely interrupted by another post-rupture of something on a higher floor. More screaming followed and the figure whipped around, his cloak billowing out behind him and whacking Nicholas in the face.

Nino's pretty sure he stopped breathing so Nicholas gently took his hand to reassure him that he was still here

Layla and Ali were holding each-other's hands

"I was fine"

"Oh good grief!" the man exclaimed, watching the action as if it were something out of a movie. "As if one explosion wasn't already extremely over the top! They just had to go and put a pipeline there, didn't they?"

"I have to agree with Grimm there, I still don't know why there was a pipeline there"

If he was expecting some kind of response from Nicholas, then he was going to be sorely disappointed at the teen lay there on the pavement, propped up on his elbows, mouth open in silent wonder but no words forming to express the sensation of shock coursing through his brain.

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