Premonition of Fate (هاجس القدر)

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"This is a quick glance to the Miraculous Temple"

Wyan and Nicholas sat up properly at that

Something stirred within the coldest grasps of the continent; a change so extraordinary that, at first, it was overlooked as an error, a blip in the otherwise blemishless perfection. There had been no need to be concerned, for mistakes such as these were often easy to remedy; a simple reboot and recharge and the problem would be gone.

Everyone was confused at that

It was nearly forty-eight hours later before someone realized that this blip was much greater than the ones they'd watched over for the past thousand years, and definitely could not be an error in the system.

"Forty-Eight hours? I thought They already knew the moment I put on my Miraculous!" Nicholas exclaimed

Which meant someone out there was using a miraculous illegally.

Nino and Wyan could only chuckle

The entire situation brought about many problems that now needed to be addressed. The greatest and most obvious being; how had a miraculous been located in the first place? There were not many left in the world to find. The few that remained were scattered, hiding in places where no one would ever think to go looking for them--such as the Amazon rainforest. The most obvious solution was that the activated miraculous had come from the Chinese Miraclebox; the one taken by a previous Guardian-In-Training; Fu, before he had burnt down the temple and the Guardians had been forced to flee to their outposts on each continent. But yet, each kwami brought about a specific feeling to themselves and to those around them upon using their powers, and this did not feel like a Chinese kwami.

"Oh, So that's how they knew it was old"

This felt...


Chloe snorted "Yeah only by a few Centuries"

Much older. Like...something that had been long lost to both time and age. And since they knew the exact location of the ladybug and black cat kwami, that narrowed down their search to the third and fourth most powerful of all beings; those of wisdom and vengeance, the hippogriff and the dragon.


Which was impossible since Lorr and Trekk had been missing for millennia: ever since the conquistadors arrived in South America during the late 16th century. Their miraculouses had not only been lost in the midst of a fearsome fight, but there had been no records of their holders up until this point.

"16 Century?!" Adrien exclaimed

No one knew what had happened to the two kwami after that.

So, why then, after all these years, could he suddenly sense their presence once more? Where were they? And the more important question; who was it that had their miraculous and would be stupid enough to activate them?

"Nicholas would be" Nino said and Nicholas playfully glared at him

"Celestial Guardian...Su-Han, sir? may want to take a look at this."

"HIM?" Marinette exclaimed

"What's so wrong with him and Nino do you know him yet?"

Nino only shook his head "Mari never let me meet him"

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