Final for now (نهائي في الوقت الحالي)

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"You sure you're ready Ali?" Layla asked as Ali was about to get up.

"Yeah I need to make sure he's fine." He reassured her and she smiled.

"Nino come on"

Nino just stayed sitting down, twitching.

Adrien instantly looked panicked as he ran up the stairs. "Guy's! What is his favourite song!?"


"Just tell me then I'll explain!"

"That one!" Alya pointed to one of Nino's players and instantly Adrien grabbed it, put it in the Cassette player and threw Nino's headphones over his ears with music blasting out them.

"Ok basically! I had a friend when my father had me trapped in my house. His name was Simon but he always wore this kind of armor with vines on them and he could out someone under a trance and kill them by breaking their bones." Adrien explained.


"Ok and why is he after Nino?" Ali and Alya asked at the same time.

"Because Simon was my best friend but when he heard I had another friend! Nino! He became very angry and swore revenge."

"Why is it always Nino?" Alya asked.

"No idea! But this is happening now apparently"

Adrien turned around as Nino started floating into the air.

"Oh crap."

"What is happening to our baby boy?" Layla asked afraid as blood dripped onto Ali's shoulder and both of them looked scared.

"Um is this blood?"


Instantly Nino came flying back down and his ankles cracked under his weight as he fell backwards.

Ali and Layla both ran to Nino and helped him sit up as they saw the blood covering his face and dripping out of his bloodshot eyes.

"Oh my god"

"Papa?" Nino said very afraid as Ali came closer but Nino tried kicking instead.

"Hey just me! I need to pick you up though." Ali quickly said.

"Okay?" Nino whispered

"Okay" Ali whispered reassuringly as he put one hand under Nino's back and one hand under his knees and lifted him off the ground with ease.

"My god! He's like a feather" Nino hit Ali on the shoulder (very weakly) and Ali chuckled. "Sorry"

"N, how did you get away?" Adrien forced himself to ask.

"Happy memories" Nino muttered, head leaning against Ali's chest as his eyes fluttered.

"N, I kinda need you to stay awake. I need to know if you ever fall back into his trance." Adrien said, rubbing the back of his neck shyly.

"Ok" Nino said as he tried keeping his bloodshot eyes open.

"Let's go in the other room so I can get you all cleaned up." Ali said as he smiled at the two boys.

Ali sighed as he settled Nino down against the wall and gently started wiping away the blood staining his face.

"How are you holding up from that past thing? And about me?" Ali asked calmly.

"Papa, I really don't want to talk about that."

"Well to bad, you need to speak and I don't think you're in any condition to object to that." Ali told Nino who was a bit tense.

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