Icarus (إيكاروس)

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"Just 3 more chapters to go before we move onto Worldfall " The voice said.

"Ok, awesome"

"Oh and Mr. and Mrs. Lahiffe there will be something revealed in this and you will also see the start of the fight."

"Wow! Ok"

"You did it again! I cannot believe you did it again!" Milo spat, throwing open the door and storming into their dorm and toward the desks. Nicholas was close behind, having scarcely enough time to shut the door before the entire brunt of the model's fury was bearing down on him.

"Did what again? Talk to me? We're allowed to talk"

"I know"

"Do you realize what you have done?! You have exposed our entire existence to some seventeen-year-old child whom you have decided to have a crush on!" Milo hissed, throwing his backpack across the room. It landed squarely on the bed and Trekk phased through the top, growling through his fangs. Milo ignored him, whipping around on his heels to confront the taller man. "I warned you how much danger you were going to put us all in, but just like always, you didn't listen to me! You didn't listen to me, Lahiffe!"

"Good, I don't Like him." Ali said.

Nicholas winced at the intensity his last name was spat, almost as though it were dirt. Worthless. Stupid. "Now, hold on just a second!" he fired back, the anger simmering just below the surface. He swallowed back his temper and braced to meet his best friend's glare head-on. "I didn't tell her anything! She doesn't know who we are! Why are you getting so hostile about this? It was your idea to try and fit in in the first place!"

"It was his idea! So why is he acting like a toddler having a temper tantrum?!"

"Because he is having a tantrum"

"You still don't get it, do you?" Milo snapped. "Even after all this time. You don't understand what is going on and yet you are willing to risk everything on some fantasy!"

"It's not some fantasy"

"I know just as much as you do!" Nicholas countered. "We're here to find the lead to the miraculous thieves, stop them from finishing whatever evil plans they are plotting, and then we report back to Su-Han and I find out what my dad was working on that was so important he had to uproot his entire family and ship us off to a distant country! That's all."

"That is a long story...." Ali trailed off

"Is it?" the blond demanded, rushing forward to jab an accusing finger into Nicholas's chest. "Because ever since we got here, you've been so focused on getting her attention that you've barely spent any time on the mission. I don't think it's about your Ab at all! I think this is all about you!"

"I don't think it is but alright"

"What?" Nicholas recoiled as though he had been slapped. "Milo, what are you--"

"It's always been about you, hasn't it?" Milo sneered, stepping away, his hands balling into fists. "You used me to get away from your measly excuse of a life and you tricked me into joining the Guild just so you could get what you wanted!"

"He just wanted to know what I was doing with a miraculous"

"Is that what you think this is...okay, you know what? Fine," Nicholas sat his backpack down, releasing Lorr who circled up beside his holder, clicking insults at the two males, disapproving of their stupid squabble. "You clearly have something you have been wanting to get off your chest ever since we got here. So, come on. Go ahead and let it out. Say whatever you need to make yourself feel better."

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