The Bird and the Beast (الطائر والوحش)

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Nicholas hesitated, squinting up through the smog toward the armored superhuman leaning smugly against the railing of a fire escape. The overwhelming sense of power radiated from Trekk's holder and he could feel that power circulate through his own veins. Yet, there was something different between the two forces. Nicholas couldn't put a name to it, but it was still unnerving.

"What was Unnerving?"

"Hang on Can anyone else feel that?"

Everyone gave Nino weird looks

Nino just sighed "I'll explain in the Minute"

That's Trekk, spoke the hippogriff as Nicholas continued to stand, rooted to the pavement. Intimidation is one of the greater side effects of his miraculous. He is one of the most feared of all the kwami.

Nino snorted

That explained it.

That man is terrifying.

"My kwami showed up in my house with no knowledge as to how he got there," Nicholas called up bravely. "I suppose that was your doing?"


There was no response from the rooftops. The eyes drifted momentarily from Nicholas to something beyond him and then back once again. Drawing a sharp breath, Nicholas continued carefully. "Why did you give him to me? I know it was you! It has to be you! But why--"

"I would say 'Just go up' But I would've done the same thing really"

"Why don't you come up so we can talk a little more privately?" the dragon interrupted flatly. "I'm not overly fond of the possibility of Parisians knowing I exist just yet. You understand, I'm sure."

"Sadly Yep"

Nicholas hesitated.

It's all right, Nicholas, Lorr whispered. He won't harm you. If he'd wanted to do that, he wouldn't have let you know he was here.

"That was also true"

Knowing what Lorr said was true, Nicholas slowly made his way over to the stairs and carefully began his ascent. The rungs were cold against his grip and he shivered, wiping snow from his gloves as he climbed. It was an odd experience, clinging desperately to the side of a building, hoping and praying he would make it to the top in one piece. He wasn't afraid of heights, exactly, or falling from them. However, he was concerned about the sudden stop.

The hero was waiting for him when he reached the rooftops and automatically stepped back to permit him room to scramble up to safety. Up close for the first time, he looked less like a sporadic blur of red and more like a human being. Covered from head to toe in red body armor and sporting a jagged black and crimson mask, the man was so much scarier than he anticipated. Thick gloves covered his hands, sporting obsidian jewels in the knuckles. His miraculous, Nicholas guessed, even before Lorr mumbled the confirmation.

"You Instantly knew his Miraculous?"

"Thank you for coming tonight, Nicholas," the dragon commented and a shiver ran up the boy's spine at the chilled way his name was spoken. "I apologize for all of the secrecy, however, I am sure your kwami explained the direness of our situation and why we felt the need to involve another in our plans."

"He did"

"," Nicholas admitted. "I don't know that much at all. I figured out the whole miraculous thing and I think I understand the main gist, but I still don't get why you would let me have anything to do with this. Wouldn't it be better to keep this power and use it yourself?" That's what I would do anyway. A lot less going around with freaky talking birds mulling around in your head.

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