First Encounters (اللقاءات الأولى)

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What happened back there? Nicholas hissed silently, keeping his head low and forcing himself not to glance back at his bag--especially not now that there were other students emerging from the gym behind him. He could feel the shuffle from his books and that only spurred him on. I understood everything that Milo said and I didn't once have to translate into French to respond! That is not normal and I know you had to have had something to do with it!

"What was It?" Nino asked Nicholas

"Just wait and see Akhi" Nicholas smiled at him

It's called Omnipotence, Lorr replied calmly--a lot more calmly than Nicholas was feeling at the moment. As I told you before, every kwami can leave side effects on their holders. Trekk's is intimidation, mine is the ability to understand and translate every language known to mankind. You may not have known what Astor was saying, but Omnipotence allowed you to hear his words in your native tongue and for him to do the same for you.

"That's pretty cool, but how did I speak arabic? I can't remember speaking Arabic at all"

"Mast-Nino it's part of being the Miraclebound if you can't understand something you can translate it to whatever helps you understand"

Well, that seems...oddly appropriate, Nicholas granted. Did you know...before...that...that I couldn' know?

I had no knowledge of this possibility prior to bonding with you, Master. Many of my flock have not...required such an extensive branch of my abilities. You, Nicholas, are a special case. One I sense may be able to put my magic to better use than those of the past.

Nino smiled at that

And why do you think that? Nicholas inquired, pausing at the crosswalk, watching and waiting with slight impatience for the light to change. A bell jingled from up ahead and he carefully raised his gaze, spotting a small colorful building on the opposing corner of the street and paused, the sweet aroma of fresh pastries drifting across the road and striking him head-on as the door was opened and a stream of people exited. The sign above the door distinguished the corner market as a bakery, though Nicholas had guessed that already by the heavenly scent of dough. Hold that thought, Lorr. Do you smell that?

I am a hippogriff, Master. I have very tiny nostrils.

Nino snickered while Nicholas playfully rolled his eyes at him

Oh, come on! You can't tell me you don't smell that! It's amazing! Come on! Let's go take a look!

"Maybe it's your parents Mari"

"Could Be, N"

But, Master, you have no money.

Nicholas waved him off. You don't need money to browse, buddy. That's so weird though. I've been down this way a hundred times and I never noticed there was a bakery there!

Perhaps these last couple of days have made you more in tune with your surroundings, Lorr suggested. When before your main focus was avoiding as much human contact as possible.

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