Butterfly Effect (تأثير الفراشة)

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5 years later...

"5 Years!?" Adrien shouted getting everyone to wince

"Please stop screaming in my ear" Nino basically begged

"Opp, Sorry Dude"

"It's fine"

The sword came slicing through the air, the silver blade blazing in the last fading light of day.

His eyes narrowed as he spotted the oncoming danger and his body moved instinctively to react, bringing one arm, firmly attached to a tailfeather dagger of his own, swinging backward to counter and narrowly sliding away from the blow. He hastily side-stepped to the left, twirling behind his attacker, weapon at the ready, Lorr's strong mentality commanding him through his movements. He responded easily to these orders, backing and gabbing, countering every swing brought on by this powerful frontal attack.

"Are we still in the fight?" Ali asked

"Well this fight, we saw this chapter had basically carried out through 5 years"

"Good," Su-Han granted, twirling his weapon before tossing it to his other hand and coming right back in for the attack, forcing Griffon closer to a high wall, "but you're going to have to be quicker than that!"

"Now that is true: Su-Han is very fast and you will have to keep up"

The younger holder felt the solid concrete collide with his back, but before he had time to register this change, he was forced to parry a blow aimed directly at his head. The Celestial Guardian grunted at the biting collision of metal, his scowl growing even more resolute. Nicholas tensed, knowing far too well what that look meant, and clung to his dagger more firmly.

"Oh Lord"

The two rivals sized each other up for not the first time and, Nicholas suspected, not for the last.

"My God" Nino whispered to himself

Wait for it, Lorr whispered. Wisdom deals not the first blow out of hatred. Let him make his move and then proceed with your counterattack.

"Listen to Lorr"

Easy for you to say, man. You're not the one out here putting his rear on the line. But he obeyed nevertheless, watching, waiting, for the elderly (but not any less spry, to his immense surprise) man to make his next move. And he didn't have to wait long either. Su-Han came at him again, lunging for his shoulders with the intent of forcibly tossing him away from the field into the curious and rapidly expanding crowd composed of hundreds of wary eyes.

"Why would so many people watch this fight?" Adrien asked 

"Because the Celestial Guardian never fights anyone" Wyan explained

"Oh That's why!" Alya realized

"But didn't you say that Su-Han fought you both?" Nino asked Marinette and Adrien

"Yeah Well, But Adrien is the one who started the fight" Marinette explained

"So the usual" Nino told her


"Hey!" Adrien gave a playful look of betrayal to Nino who only rolled his eyes

Many had gathered to see this fight, a confrontation of two of the greatest warriors the Guild had ever produced. It was well-known knowledge that Su-Han rarely involved himself in the training of paladins, especially outsiders. He had made that palpably clear the first time they had clashed and Nicholas had ended up on his back with a sprained wrist and multiple bruised ribs for his efforts. He hadn't been able to impress the Guardian then and he had waited, trained, and prepared for the day when he would once again get his chance to meet the man in combat and prove himself once and for all.

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