Trick or treat

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The Flour sibblings, Wanda and Pietro Where walking down the street. There were a lot children and parents there.

''This is it. Game time.'' Said Tommy.

''It's not a compeition, Tommy.'' Said Billy.

''It is If You're a winner.'' Said Tommy.

''He is right. Come on, Tommy.'' Said Kitty.

Kitty and Tommy runned to a house.

''Tommy, Kitty.'' Said Billy.

''Come on, Billy.'' Said Caleb.

Caleb and Billy runned after their sibblings.

''Unleash hell, demon spawn.'' Said Pietro to the Children.

''Do you remember when We were at the orphanage after mom and dad died? What was the name of that kod who was always trying to steal your boots? You know, he was the one... he had the... he had the skin thing.'' Asked Wanda.

''You're testing me.'' Said Pietro.

''No. I'm not.'' Said wanda.

''Hey, it's cool. I know i look different.'' Said Pietro.

''Why do you... look different?'' Asked wanda.

''You tell me. I mean, i found Shangri-La, i wouldn't wanna be reminded of the past Either.'' Said Pietro.

The Children came back.

''Next house, Mom.'' Said Tommy.

''Junior entrepreneur, over here. How about you uncle P help you maximize your candy acquisition, Huh?'' Asked Pietro.

''Yeah. Kick-ass!'' Said Tommy.

''I feel the need...'' Said Pietro and held up his hand.

''For speed.'' Said Tommy.

He held Pietro's hand and Billy held tommy's hand, Caleb held billy's hand and Kitty held Caleb hand, and They all speed away. Pietro grabbed the candy from all the others. He Then stopped to smash some jack-o'-lanters. He was finish and They kept on running. Uncle P Then covered everyvone silly string. Little did Pietro know wanda wouldn't like this.

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