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Still Camilo's pov

I fell nauseated. I look at Dolores and shake my head. She pats me on the back and says everything will be fine

=3rd person

After everyone is seated and situated, Abuela starts to speak. "Good evening family. We have some more important information to share. Numero uno Dolores is getting married in a few months. We have just gathered the news from the Guxmán s." Abuela says as everyone cheers.

"And also ... the marriage of A Camilo and Maribel. In which we talked about at lunch so it already arranged." "What?" I feel my face get hot with anger. I feel my blood boil. "Y'all could have at least fucking waited for me." I yell feeling at tear slide down my face standing up I. knock my chair over. I look towards Camilo. "Hey, marriposa." Mami says."Oh and you knew as well." I say angerly. "I-I-" Camilo stutters "I-I don't care Camilo." I say as I turn around I and walk away. "Casita!" Abuela says. "No! Casita stop....CASITA I SAID STOP!" I feel Casita shake and come to a stop. I run of with tears dripping from my face. I feel casita shake again.

I didn't tell her to make It better but that just made it worse. The knot in my stomach tightened. I feel a tear slide down my face. I should have told her. "May I be excused please?" I ask shakily. "Yes." I get up and walk towards my room with my head down. Not realizing it I started to cry.

=3rd person.

Everyone glares at Abuela. Then starts rage yelling at her. "STOOOOP PLEASE!" Dolores yells. Everyone completely goes quiet. "May I be excused?" Isabella says. "Yes."

Isa goes up stairs to Maribel's room and knocks. "Come in." Maribel replies sadly on the floor in a ball near her bed . "Me and Camilo talked earlier he said he didn't want to tell you because he knew it would heart you. He loves you. Like loves you, loves you and he just wanted to make you happy." Isabella says gett on the floor next to Maribel. Maribel looks down and cries more. "I- I didn't know why didn't he say anything?" She says crying. "Well, you know how it was hard for me too come out and tell the family I was les. It's because, you don't know if the person or people that your going tell will judge you or except you or still in this case love you. I'm gonna go talk to Camilo but I want you to think about that."She says as she gets up and leaves.

She walks over but sees Dolores already at the door, then turns around and leaves.

"Hey hermano." Dolores says softly as she open the door to see Camilo laying on his bed crying. "Hey, it's okay she still loves you." She sits on the bed and combed through his hair with her hands. "You don't understand, we 'A': have a contact where we swore to tell each other everything and B: *sigh I actually do love-love her but I can't tell her." Camilo says. "I know I herd and I also here her coming so I want you to tell her how you really feel." Dolores says than gets up and opens the door. Maribel stands there shakily. "Hey it'll be okay." Dolores says than leaves.

A/N short chap. But I wanted to make a chapter of just their convo so yeah!

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