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*GASP I sit up looking around. It was just a nightmare. I check the time. It's 5am. I know Tia Julieta will be awake at least. "Casita." I whisper the door unlocks. I creek open the door and slowly step outside. I transform into Antonio so my steps are little be softer. I slowly tip toe down stair then transform back. "Hi, sobrino? Why are you up this early?" Tia asks as I walk in. I hear a high pitch ring go through my ears. "Sorry, umm can I have an arepa, I'm not feeling the best?"I ask shakily. "Mhm, here. What's wrong?" Tia asks. "Well at about 10 or 11 Maribel went to sleep, so I'm sitting here watching tv and I look away for a second to check on Mari and then ate an arepa, but when I looked back at the tv and checked the time it was 3am. I started to feel tired, and lightheaded for a couple seconds then I was out like a light but someone or something was talking to me during that. And when I finally woke up it was, well 5am." I said looking down. "Wow, that's a lot. You need to go back to bed I can take care of Maribel. Come on." Tia says, "But I have chores." I reply. "I can take care of that." She says getting up reaching for my hand. I take her hand and she takes me back to my room. Once we get there she picks up Maribel carefully then pick up her glasses. "Get some sleep, I'll be back." She says before I know it she closes the door. I try to go back to sleep to see about that Charles guy or something.

"My name is Carlos not Charles." He says." Great your back. Now WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" I say "WHERE ARE WE?" I cry out. "Our mind duh, I didn't think you could get stupider." Carlos says. "Yeah right, enough with this we and our stuff I'm not you!" I says angrily. "No need to get angry. We are the same look at me and look at you." "I don't see you." I say looking around. "Look again Camilo." I look around and see a weird version of me

" I look around and see a weird version of me

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"My hair isn't that bad and if we were the same I would look identical to you

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"My hair isn't that bad and if we were the same I would look identical to you. Oh and wait am I taller than you." I say teasingly. "Ugh so pathetic." Carlos replies. "I can give you some hair tips." I say brushing my hair back. "You disgust me."Carlos replies. "Your the one that said we were the same person anyway." I say with a annoying tone. "Weeeeelll, not exactly that was a mere stretch, we're more like twins,soul twins. Anyway I'm gonna go for now so see ya later." Carlos says. "Wait!" I yell. "What now Chameleon?" Carlos replies angrily. "Number one don't call me that, and number two do you have powers?" I ask rolling my eyes. "Yes stupid, mind manipulation and telepathy." He replies. "Oh and by the way you said I know you." I say with a confused look. "Remember *snaps fingers* all those times we've hung out together, played with each  other *snaps again."Carlos says. "Erm, yah, yah I do. Well I got to go so, bye!" I say

=3rd p
Camilo walks out the door and is greeted by Maribel. "Cami, you awake, I was worried about you." She says giving him a hug. "Yeah, I okay mariposa no need to worry." He replies hugging her back " I was just sleep deprived, that's all." He says walking down stairs with Maribel beside him. "Sure." Carlos says. "Shut up Carlos!" Camilo mutters. "Hmm?" Maribel looks up confused. "Oh, nothing." Camilo says. "I'll see you later!" Maribel says leaving casita. Camilo waves. "What the heck bro." Camilo mutters. "What?" Carlos replies. "Mhm." Camilo says rolling his eyes. "Camilo, can I talk to you?" Dolores says coming up right behind him. "Aaah!" Camilo says shape shifting into multiple people. "Ha!" Carlos says. "Shut up." Camilo whispers. Camilo and Dolores leave Casita and go to the marketplace.

"So what do you want to talk about about?" Camilo asks. "Alright, Please don't lie to me but I've been hearing you talk too someone named 'Carlos' but there's no 'Carlos', that is alive, in the entire Encanto." Dolores asks curiously. "Uhh, it's no one. I don't know what your talking about." Camilo says nervously and starting to walking faster. "Hermano! I know that's a lie, why won't you tell me?" Dolores says. Camilo stops walking. "I-I can't, just not right now. Can I go please!" Camilo said with frustration. "But Camilo?!" Dolores says softly. "I said CAN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!?" Camilo yells with eyes white as snow. Dolores runs off with tears in her eyes. She couldn't stand too see her brother like this. He never yells at her.

"What the hell did you just do b*tch!" Camilo says furiously looking back at Dolores. "I asked her too leave you alone, that's all.Ungrateful." Carlos replies. "You didn't have to make her fricking cry!" Camilo says sitting on a bench.

Meanwhile at Casita

Dolores runs in with tears in her eyes and runs to Pepa "What's wrong Mi hija?" Pepa asks wiping away Dolores's tears. "I-I-It's Camilo! He yelled at me and he got angry for no reason and, and his eyes were weird they looked all white and he scared me. I'm worried if he's okay. I knew he wasn't feeling well, but not this bad." Dolores said shakily and breathing heavily. "Not Mi Hijo! Where is he." Pepa says starting to get a grey-ish cloud. "I-In town. I'm worried for the town's people." Dolores says. "Okay I'll be back." Pepa says grabbing her coat and leaving. "Mama,...be careful." Dolores says. "It'll be okay Hija." Pepa says.
"Hey Dolores you good?" Maribel asks. "Uh, yeah." Dolores replies. "Okay, have you seen Camilo?" Maribel asks adjusting her glasses. "Umm, no. I think he's having alone time in town." Dolores replies. "Umm, ok." Maribel replies humming along.

A/N 1031 words OMG this is amazing thank you all for the support thank you Mikey_kun15 for the ideas! TYSM everyone! Comment any ideas or things you want to happen in the comments I may be able to change the plot :) 1073:)

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