Everything Will Be Alright

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To go from two children to three was a huge bump that no one could prepare them for but Meredith couldn't help but watch as Derek adjusted to it a lot easier.

"Mer, can you give Logan his next bottle?" Derek said as he walked into their bedroom with his work gear on. "I've got to head in for a bit and Emily has just gone out. Beth will also be up from her morning nap soon."

Meredith continued to lie on their bed, looking out of the window as the sun shined brightly. She was listening to Derek but made no attempt to move, she just wanted to sleep.

"Meredith, did you hear me?" Meredith suddenly jumped when Derek moved in front of her.

"Yeah, I'm up." She pushed herself up and walked past Derek, slowly dragging her feet.

"Hey." He grabbed her arm so she turned to face him. "What's going on?"

"What?" Meredith frowned. "What do you mean what's going on? I'm going to feed your son."

"I don't know, you just don't seem yourself..." Derek asked concerned as he moved the loose hair out of her face.

"So just because I've had a baby I have to be happy all of the time?" Meredith asked as she moved out of Derek's grip. "I'm exhausted and I don't have time. I don't have time to just stop, it's constant. Someone always needs me."

Derek couldn't help but notice the tears that started to form in Meredith's eyes, he had been so blind to everything. A few days Emily had brought it to his attention that Meredith wasn't herself but he just simply nodded and said he would sort it but he had failed.

"You know what, you go and grab a bath or shower then sleep. I'm going to call out of work." Derek cupped her face in his hands. "It's ok."

"I'm sorry." She allowed her head to drop his chest as the tears slowly started falling from her eyes, dropping out on Derek's top.

"You have nothing to apologise for." He said as he kissed the top of her head.  "Nothing at all."

"I just thought it would come to me naturally, I mean I've done this before. I've had a baby before but this time, it's so much harder." She sobbed as she clung on to his top.

"You've had a lot happen in the last few months." He sighed, preparing for himself for what he was about to say next. "Plus this time around you haven't got Susan."

Meredith pulled back from his chest and looked up into his eyes, her cheeks stained with tears.

"I miss her so much." She admitted as Derek reached up to run his thumb across her cheek.

"I know, I miss her too." He gave her a sad smile. "But we will get through this, I promise. Plus you know my ma and dad will be happy to help out."

"I know, I just don't want to feel like a burden by asking for help, I should be able to do this..." she shook her head.

"They aren't going to think any less of you if you ask for help, they're your family. My mom did it, she said even though my dad was around, she was always going to her mom for help. Nobody expects anything off you." He said as he looked her in the eye.

"Thank you." She gave him half a smile as he leaned down to kiss his lips quickly. "I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed her again. "Now go and have some time for yourself. I'll be downstairs if you need me."

Making sure Meredith was alright, he headed down to the nursery where he found Logan starting to stir.

"Hey little man." He leaned down and scooped him up. "Let's go and get you fed."

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