•Chapter Eight•

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You woke to the sound of Matt's voice.

"You're going to see Near... Alone? Are you sure that's wise?" Matt asked.

"I'll bring Mint along." You sat up.

"Bringing me where? Why? When?" You asked. Mello ignored your questions.

"Are you good with a gun?" Mello asked. Matt looked worried at the thought of you holding a gun.

"No... Oh! I'm good with a sword. Or s knife." You nodded.

"Really?" Matt asked.

"Yeah. I mean I've stabbed myself once or twice but they was because someone knocked on my door while I was throwing knives in the air." You shrugged. Matt and Mello shared a look before Mello sighed. He walked into his room, shortly coming out with a knife. You jumped up and grabbed it from him.

"I'd love to go outside and all but. I'm missing clothes." You smiled. Mello threw a pair of shorts at you.

"Oh you found them!" You said as you put the shorts on. You put your hair up in a messy bun, ran into the bathroom to brush your teeth. You ran back out, hiding the knife by your side.

"Let's go Marshmello." You said, placing a hand on your hip.

"How do we know you're actually good with a knife?" Matt asked. You did a flip, landing behind Matt. You pled the knife out and put it to his neck.

"Oh. That was sassy. I thought I was going to fail. I knew spending months doing gymnastics in my house wasn't a waste of time." You smiled as you put the knife away again. Matt gave you a surprised look while Mello smirked. He started walking towards the door. You followed, proud of yourself. Once you got outside you noticed you would have to go on the motorbike.

"I'll walk." You nodded. Mello said nothing as he threw a helmet at you. You reluctantly put it on. Mello got on the bike, you following. You wrapped your arms around his waist, holding tight to make sure at least you survive the death on two wheels. You looked at Mello and saw him smirking. You head butted him and he started the motorbike, going at a very high speed which you were not happy about. You held on tighter to Mello, closing your eyes as Mello drove you to a destination.
Once the motorbike (finally) stopped, you hopped off and threw the helmet at Mello.

"Awful. That was awful." You said. You just noticed Mello was wearing a coat, putting the hood up. You let Mello go in front, his smirk still apparent. Mello walked into a house, well, he broke into a house. You followed, not saying anything. He walked into a bedroom. You still said nothing. You weren't really surprised. What surprised you was when a female walked out of a bathroom, a towel around her. Mello put the gun to her head.

"Do you normally just go around looking at women in towels?" You asked Mello, feeling a hint of jealousy. The woman suddenly turned around, gasping.

"Mello." She whispered once she saw his face. The jealousy hit again. You glared at her.

"And Lolly." You said. Mello gave you a confused look.

"I can change my name thank you very much Marshie." You said. Mello raised an eyebrow at the shortened version of his nickname. The woman didn't look like she liked you either. Mello was speaking but you weren't listening. You were glaring at the woman.


"I don't understand how we got here." You muttered as the woman was walking in front of you and Mello.

"You should've listened." Mello growled slightly. You didn't let his bad mood hurt you. You didn't even let the events that happened yesterday get to you. You were a distraction. You didn't mean anything to him. You stayed silent as you were led through doors. Once you were led through the last pair of doors, two people pointed guns at Mello. Mello didn't lower his gun from the woman, who's name turned out to be Halle.

"Mello, welcome." A white haired boy said. He was sitting on the floor, a little train track thing surroudning him. One of the people told Mello to drop his weapon. He growled.

"Everyone, please put away your guns. Having a shoot out here would solve nothing." The white haired guy said, still having his back towards you.

"Sir, with all due respect Mello was the one who killed out partners." A man with black hair said. You felt slightly odd, left out. Why did Mello bring you along anyway?

"Please don't make me say it again. Remember our primary objective is still to catch Kira. Killing Mello right now would do nothing to benefit out investigation." The white haired boy spoke again. You decided you'd call him coconut because of his hair.

"Alright." Said the older man. Everyone lowered their guns.

"It seems like things are going just as you planned, Near." You spaced out kinda. Who would call themselves Near? Near, Far, wherever you are. Your thoughts were soon interrupted when Mello lost his temper, pointing the gun at Near.

"Shut up Near!" Everyone raised their guns at Mello again. You appeared behind the younger man, holding the knife to his neck.

"If anyone shoots Mello, I won't hesitate to kill you all." You said, calm. Your past was somewhat... Disturbing.

"I'm not just a tool for you to use in order to solve your puzzles you know." Mello snapped at Near.

"Mello, if you really wanna shoot me then go ahead and do it." Near said quietly. Mello slowly started pulling the trigger when Halle ran in front of him, putting her hand in his arm. You wanted to kill her.

"Stop. If you shoot him then the rest of us will have no choice but to shoot you too. What will it solve if both of you die? That's just what Kira wants." Halle said. You blanked out again, thinking of ways to hurt Halle. You heard the word shinigami and froze. What if they knew? They couldn't. They didn't. Mello and Near said other words and Mello started walking away. You removed the knife from the man and headed towards Mello. You glared at Halle and she returned the look. You followed Mello out, growling. Once you both left the building, Mello could see you looked... Unhappy.

"What's up with you?" Mello asked.

"I hate her. I hate her to the sun and back. I like coconut better than her." You snapped.

"Coconut?" Mello questioned.

"Near. Far. Wherever you are." You tried to lighten up the mood. You failed.

"Let's just go Marshie. We have things to do. You have a Kira to catch. I have laundry to do. I smell like Berber. Not that I'm complaining. I just prefer... Something else." You muttered the last bit. Mello raised an eyebrow.

"What do you prefer?" Mello asked.

"I'm not telling you that easily." You scoffed as you sat back on the motorbike. You didn't bother to put the helmet on. Mello did. You wrapped your arms around his waist again, resting your head on his back. You hugged Mello tighter slightly and Mello took that as a sign to go. You closed your eyes, inhaling Mello's scent. He smelt like chocolate. You smiled to yourself.

Okay. So. In my opinion. I felt like Halle cared too much about Mello. Like, I personally thought she had a little crush for him. So that's what I did in this fan fiction. I made her have a crush on him slightly xD. Shush. I feel like I haven't actually wrote any authors note thingy, so you might all think I'm some stuck up snob.
I'm not.
I'm fabulous.
I'm just *hair flip*
Mello would love me.
Carry on with your day.

Mint ChocolateWhere stories live. Discover now