•Chapter Four•

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You awoke from your slumber only to realise that no one was back yet. You stood up when you heard something fall which caused you to jump slightly as you were not fully awake. You looked down and saw your iPod, that's when an amazing idea came to mind. You ran to your bag and got your speakers out, plugged them in and connected your iPod to them. You never left without your speakers so when Mello took you to get your stuff you weren't going to suddenly change your mind and leave it behind, that would have been stupid.

"This should help me pass the time." You said as you started playing random songs you never even knew you owned. You scrolled through your iPod and stopped at a song called 'Stand in the Rain.' You played it for a bit until you decided it was a bit too sad to listen to right now, but you made a mental note to listen to it later. You then decided to play 'For You' by Get Scared. You danced around, not having a care in the world...
That was until a certain blonde came home..
That certain blonde didn't want to listen to this song apparently, by the mood he was in, and changed the song...
He happened to change the song to 'Womanizer.'

"Really MarshMello?" You said as he gave you a weird and judgemental look. "It was a popular song a while ago! This iPod is old!!" You said as Mello still looked at you with the raised eyebrow. You said nothing as you changed the song. Sadly, what came up next, was Sexyback, causing Mello to smirk at you.

"This happens to be a good song, for your information..." You said as you tried to cover up the little blush that appeared. You and Mello gazed at each other for a while until Matt came back.

"Are you ready?" Matt asked you, clearly confused on why you weren't rushing around the apartment like you usually do before going out.

"Ready?" You asked, slighty confused.

"Didn't Mello tell you? We are going to a party in an hour." You glared at Mello while he just shrugged his shoulders and acted like he knew nothing about it.

"You butt face!" You shouted as you threw a mini speaker at Mello and ran into the bathroom to have a quick shower.

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

Once you arrived at the place where the party was held you punched Mello in the arm. You were wearing a blood red tank top and black shorts with tights and red knee high lace boots. Your [H/C] hair up in a bun. Matt and Mello were wearing the usual. You decided you didn't feel like talking to anyone new so you got a drink at the bar and headed to the dance floor. The song that was playing was called 'Paralyzer'. You were dancing happily away, unaware of the fact that someone was watching you, that someone being Mello. He drank his drink and decided to join you, acting a little drunk. You were surprised when Mello started dancing with you, and a slight blush was apparent on you face because of how close you two were. Once the song ended Mello whispered in your ear.

"They're playing spin the bottle." and with that said he grabbed your hand and dragged you off to where everyone from the Mafia, and some random other people, were. You played spin the bottle, but you didn't pay attention. You were thinking about what had happened earlier. The only time you paid attanetion was when it was Mello's go and he had to kiss some random girl. You slightly narrowed your eyes and growled a little.

"Mint?" Matt asked.

"Yes?" You asked as you looked at Matt.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I just need another drink." Just as you said that Ross came back with drinks for everyone. The bottle spun again and landed on Mello, again, so you decided to space out a bit only to be brought out of your thoughts by your name being said. You looked at Matt and Mello who had smirks on their faces.

"What?" You asked Ross. You didn't mind him anymore.

"You have to kiss Mello." Ross smirked. You blinked a few times at him.

"Say what?" You looked surprised and you now knew the reasoning behind all the looks, glares and smirks in the group.

"Go one sunshine, we haven't got all day." One of the random people said. You looked over at the girl who previously kissed Mello, she was glaring at you and everyone noticed that you two were staring. You got up and walked over to Mello, and when walking past the girl you kicked her lightly.

"Oops." You smiled and carried on walking. You sat in front of Mello and looked into his blue eyes, your [E/C] filled with curiousity. You wondered if he tasted like chocolate. You would soon find out. Mello grabbed your chin and soon his lips were on yours. You kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck as he placed his hand on your waist. He licked your bottom lip asking for entrance but you wanted to tease him and declined. Mello placed you on his lap, earning a gasp from you. He smirked as he used this advantage and slipped his tongue in your mouth, exploring every inch. Your thoughts were confirmed, he did taste like chocolate, mixed with your mintyness it tasted like mint chocolate chip ice cream. You were brought out of your thoughts when you heard Matt clear his throat and the warmth left your lips. You opened your eyes and looked at everyone. Everyone looked at you and Mello surprised.

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