•Chapter Three•

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"I can't go. I'm busy." Mello said as he took another chocolate bar out.

"That's unfair." You pouted and gave Mello the puppy dog eyes, which was something you should've brushed up on because it did not end well.

"You went outside yesterday." Mello pointed out.

"... Fine." You gave up. You took your hair out of the bun and got your straighteners out of your bag.

"Nice tattoo." You heard Matt say from somewhere in the room.

"Thanks Strawberry." You smiled. While you were straightening your hair you felt someone staring at you but you pushed the feeling aside, considering it would only be Matt or Mello. Once you were proud of the result, keep in mind it took you a while to get your hair perfectly straight, you put your hair straighteners down and left them turned on.

"I hope someone burns on them." You muttered to yourself, not really expecting Mello (or anyone) to be listening to you.

"That's not very nice." You turned to look at Mello, who's eyes were already on you.

"Who said I was nice?" You asked with a little smirk. Mello was about to say something when another Mafia member whispered something in his ear. Then, all of a sudden, Mello started speaking into the microphone thingy. You didn't listen, because you were too confused. Where did the thing come from? You were about to question it when you heard someone hiss in pain and you knew it was your fault already. You tilted your head slightly and looked at the source of the noise. It was Ross (you knew everyone's name you just could not be bothered to call them by it or say their names out loud in general). He burnt his hand on the hair straighteners trying to move them or something, you weren't paying any attention to him at the time.

"Who put that there?!" He shouted which you replied to by raising your hand calmly. You would've thought it would be obviously that you had used the straightener, considering the situation you were currently in it couldn't have been anyone else really. Unless Mello started straightening his already straight hair.

"Why did you put it there?!" You pointed at your straight hair.

"Why is it still turned on?!" He asks a LOT of questions you thought, but this one was the only none stupid one, while the other ones had obvious answers that he should've known as he is part of the mafia trying to catch Kira.

"MarshMello distracted me." You said with a simple shrug.

"MarshMello?" He questioned, in reply you just blinked before turning to Mello.

"He's annoying me. Tell him to leave, MAKE him leave. I don't like it. I will make your life difficult. This was me being easy to live with, I will be worse than you without chocolate or Strawberry without cigarrettes and games. I will make your life worse than Hell itself if he does not leave now." You said with a serious face. Mello glared at Ross and he left.

"Thank you." You smiled nicely. Mello only grunted.

"Marshmello, do you have a girlfriend?"

"No, why?" Mello growled.

"I think I know why." You said as you tilted your head to the side again.


"You always grunt and growl, and to some people that is scary. You are basically dangerous." You said with a small smile. Mello said nothing as he went back to eating his chocolates pretending like you hadn't said a word to him. 

"Should I take her now?" Matt asked.

"Take who were?" You asked while Mello just replied with a simple grunt, ignoring you totally. He did grunt a lot and you only started to realise just how much.

"I will bite you." You threatened Matt as you noticed them both sharing a look. You didn't like not being informed on things. It made you uncomfortable.

"I'm taking you back to the apartment." Matt said. Before anyone said anything you grabbed your stuff and headed for the door, not the slightest bit upset that you were leaving that place.

"Let's go." And with that you and Matt left.

"We'll be back later." Matt said and left you alone. You decided you didn't like being alone in this strange house, so you got your blanket and pillow and slept in the corner.

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