RWBY Chibi Ch.1

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Ruby makes cookies

Cyra's Pov

I was on my way to the kitchen to help myself with a drink, only to see Ruby attempting to make cookies on her own, but she seems to be having difficulties at every step of the way. I decided to walk in.

Cyra: "Hey, Ruby!"

Ruby: "Hmm? Oh hey, Cyra. What's up?"

Cyra: "Nothing much. Just gonna grab a drink..."

Ruby: "Oh...Okay."

And with that said and done, Ruby returns to whatever she was doing, while I opened the refrigerator to grab a bottle of coke and poured a whole glass of it. I leaned myself on the counter, drinking the milk as I watched Ruby desperately cracking the egg. Angered by the fact that the egg won't crack, she jumped up a few feet only to crack the egg too hard, splashing some of its yolks to Ruby's face.

Cyra: "You seem to be having trouble there Ruby, need any help?"

Ruby: "No, it's okay, Totally fine."

She says this as she shakes a bag of flour to the bowl, but the flour didn't seem to come out. She stands over the counter while holding the bag of flour upside down. My eyes widen in realization as I figured out what she is about to do.

Cyra: "Ruby, I don't think that's a good-"

And with a mere shake of the bag, all the flour came rushing out, creating a brief, small fog.


When the fog died down, I saw Ruby now below the counter looking dazed as she sighed in disappointment. I sighed to myself as I finished the rest of my coke in one gulp, and walked over to the scythe-wielding girl.

Cyra: "Alright, it's obvious you need help..."

I grabbed an apron and a hairnet then instructed her on how to make chocolate chip cookies, correctly, as she watches in anticipation. Unbeknownst to me while I was stirring the batter, Ruby got her hands on the chocolate chips. She took one and shoved it inside her mouth. She stays silent for a while then she grabs a handful and shoves it in her mouth repeatedly. Just as you finished stirring the batter...

Cyra: "Ruby, could you pass me the-"

But I abruptly stopped as she suddenly appears everywhere (even outside), with a chocolate chip bag in her hand while shoving a handful of chocolate chips into her mouth. When she was done, she turned to me, only to see my hands on my hips with a disapproving look plastered on my face. She gives off a sheepish laugh as she hands me the bag of chocolate chips, and I continue.

Cyra: "Okay, that pretty much is it. Why don't you stir a bit while I heat the oven?"

Ruby nodded enthusiastically and went over the bowl. She grabs a hold of the wooden spoon, and tries to stir, only for the wooden spoon to be cemented on the batter, she tried it again giving off a strained groan. She frantically does everything just for the wooden spoon to come off. She goes over the counter as she pulls the wooden spoon off, only to be slipped and crashes off.

Ruby: "AAAHH!!"

She goes back over the counter and she pushes this time, but still the the same result, only there was a crashing noise this time, which I heard.

Cyra: "What's going on in the-"

But my sentence was stopped mid-short as I saw Ruby jump and uses her feet to push the wooden spoon off the bowl, only to hear a cracking sound, which made her eye twitch in pain and fall on the floor. I grimaced at that...

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