RWBY Chibi Ch.8

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Pickle Surprise

3rd Pov

Ah~ What a beautiful morning, the sun completely brightly shining all over Vale. The sun is shining, the air is warm, it really is just a beautiful day. A certain 15 year-old girl, clad in her usual crimson red cloak, wanders into the kitchen, a jar of pickles in hand and a grin on her face. However, as she attempts to open the jar, her smile fades as the lid refuses to budge.

After two failed attempts in a normal fashion, she resorts to lunging at it in an attempt to twist it off with the momentum... Only to fly off herself and crashes herself in a pile of cookware. Her next attempt involves utilizing a wrench to pry the lid off.

Ruby: "Well, this is quite a pickle..."

With no luck, she follows it up with trying to smash the jar against the benchtop. This also fails, as the jar simply bounces off and right into her head, sending her flying with a yell.

In the end, angry, she slams her Crescent Rose near it. She lifts her weapon up and begins spinning herself with it, making an angry battle-grunt while doing so. After so many attempts of opening the jar, the last attempt was a success as it break, and Ruby exclaims in joy, very much pleased. Stabbing a piece of pickle with her blade, she munches on it, before gagging in disgust

Ruby: "Ack! Dill!"

Tubby Tummy

Josh's Pov

The next day, Yang is seen inside their dorm, jubilantly humming to herself as she passes by a handy mirror. She begins looks at herself by pinching her arm, tapping on her belly, and clearly thinks she's put on weight.

Josh: "Hey, Yang! Do you wa– Oh, you look... slightly odd."

Yang: Tell me about it, Josh.

Josh: "Oops sorry if I sounded insensitive. I'm sure it's not really that bad. Say, when was the last time you worked out?"

Upon hearing the question, her head perks up from a sudden idea.

Yang: "That's it! You're the best, Josh!"

And with that she leaves the dorm in a flash not before kissing me on the cheek, leaving a confused me, as she begins a heavy workout. She begins with rapid press-ups, tons of crunches and even lifting Blake up as a bench press. In the end, she gleefully heads to the fridge and grabs a bottle of water, happy that she's worked herself fit. However, she then notices Nora sat at the dinner table, with Brisa and Cyra carrying a HUGE cake and settling it in front of her.

Cyra: "Now, try not to eat it all at—"

Without letting finish Cyra and without even chewing or even taking a slice of it, she swallows it whole and she inflates like a balloon in size in the process

Brisa: "What the–?!"

Cyra: "—once."

She then burps herself thin and her body shrinks into its normal petite, yet muscly figure without any exercise or work, and gives off satisfied sigh, completely indulged with the cake she's just devoured. Much to Yang's exasperation, however, bursts into a rage, her eyes turning red from her semblance, angry that Nora didn't need to work off her weight at all.


Brisa: "Y-Yang! Yang~ Let's not take things too harsh here.... *Whispers* Cyra, help me out here."

Cyra: "Uh... Y-Yeah! What she says...."

Brisa: "You just had to say that."

Cyra: "I'm sorry! Its the first thing that came into my mind!"

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