Chapter two

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The ring of the lunch bell didn't hurt my ears. It filled me with excitement. As fast as I could, I speed walked to the lunch door. I went in to get my lunch, quickly, then waited at the door for Delilah. I asked a teacher where she was. "She told me to tell you, actually, she had promised Riley she'd hangout with her today. She said to hangout with her tomorrow." All I could feel was anger. I gradually became filled with hate for Riley.

I walked into the lunch room looking for an empty table. I couldn't see any from where I was standing. The only seat I saw left for anyone was next to Brian! Brian.. Such a nerd. I thought. I can't sit with the one person I've met in years that makes me feel good, AND I have to sit with Brian?! Riley. What a selfish jerk. I bet she hasn't even ever talked to her before! "Ooh I wanna sit with the cool kid with the nice hair. Uhh whats her name?" I mimicked what I thought would be going through her head. I couldn't help but hate her. I never knew something so small could feel so big. I wanted her to cry like I cried that night.. I wanted her to feel what I felt.

The Next Day

I opened my eyes to a loud noise and a pillow with drool marks. "YUCK, I drool?" I roll over only to see my dog sleeping in a weird pose. His legs facing upwards and his face falling off the bed as he drools. As I get up I turn off my alarm clock I begin to walk into the kitchen for breakfast. "Ow!" I groan, walking to the bar stool by my Island. I sit down for a couple minutes and begin to remember what happened yesterday. My face turns red with embarrassment. I grab some cereal. I begin to remember some more. I talked with the teacher. She said She promised to eat lunch with me today! I will eat lunch with her today! I wonder when she will fall for me. How many lunches will it take? How many Netflix and chills? When will I get to feel her lips against mine?

That Lunch

As I wait at the door for Delilah I overhear her and Riley talking. "I promised to sit with uh.. Missy today! So sorry Riley. Maybe tomorrow." "Well what if I come to sit with you guys?" She replied. "Good idea!" Delilah smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen. She walked over, all her muscles tightened excitedly. This goth-looking sicko must be riley. I thought. "This is Riley!"

Riley had gross, greasy, blonde hair. Must be dumb. Just yuck. That black bracelet she had on as well. So goth. WHAT a loser! "Hi, I'm Missy." For Delilah. I thought to myself. "I'm gonna sit with you if that's alright with you, Missy?"

I glanced at Delilah with her nodding head and big smile and back at Riley with her 'single mom look'. "Suuurree." I slightly shrugged. We walked to the last empty table. "These tables are always so full!" Delilah said. Trying to fill the awkward silence. "Yeah.. Soooo, what's uh, what's your favorite book?" Riley asked me. "The Tale Of Despereaux." I said, in a particularly annoyed and bored voice.

"I need to go to the bathroom. Could you help me find it in this big cafeteria, Delilah?" "Sure." They winked at each other on the way. I followed them to the bathroom. If they see me, I'll say I have to go too. I thought. They began to kiss as they went into the bathroom. I walked in there and saw them making out!

This feeling. Nothing like before. Not hatred, not unhappiness, much worse. I felt I wanted to kill Riley.

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