Chapter Nine & Ten

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I felt a sharp pain on my tongue as the knife left my mouth. Mmm, the blood of a traitor never gets old, I thought, as I tasted the bloods of 'Delilah' and I. I tore a piece of paper towel from the roll and held it on my tongue to stop the flow from my cut.

"Ew, babe, what are you doing?" said a judgemental female voice from behind me. I remained quiet, wondering what it is that I am doing exactly.

"Missy? You're worrying me," She continued.

"I don't know," I gradually muttered in response, "I'm not sure."

"Huh? Nevermind, put it down, it's almost 11:00, and we have school tomorrow," She told me, oblivious to the fact I was in stuck in the clouds, mentally, of course. I slowly stood up, still staring at the sharp, serrated, shiny edges of the knife I had now licked clean. She cautiously took the knife out of my hand and set it on the table before placing her hand on my back and steering me to the bedroom.

"You can stay here," She slightly nodded toward the door after opening it.

"I am out of my mind," I told her, walking into the room. As soon as I sat on the bed, I started pocking at my nails absentmindedly.

. . .

It has been a year since that incident at this point, and I am madly in love with her. I haven't moved out of this apartment she offered. I simply just started paying her rent. I havem't yet asked her out, just simply kissed her, and somehow we began dating. Now, of course, she was a total stranger a year ago on that fateful night, but on the other hand, I couldn't help it. Loved her more than the others. scruffy, that gazelle, Genesis, Delilah and Riley. Knock-knock knock knock-knock! I heard a sing-songy pattern of knocks on our front door.

"RILEY!?" I sniffled, having been trying to block out the last year, and succeeding, I wasn't sure if she was alive.

"Yeah..? Here's your 'child support' money," She muttered cautiously, knowing there was someone behind me, and knowing that that someone had their arms around my waist. "isn't that your stalker from like 10 months ago?"

"Stalker? No?" I was genuinely confused, though I understood why I was and still didn't say.

"Riley, go away!" Quinn roared as she slammed the door shut.

Later that day, I realized I have been feeling more sick than usual in the mornings. I ended up beggining to puke nearly every day. I decided to buy an at-home pregnancy test, and took it home.

"Negative," I sighed.

"Negative? Damn," Quinn responded. I bought another the next week since going to the hospital could be an issue, as we live quite a few miles away from it.

I ripped the package open in an angry mood swing, and, although my hand was tensed up, gently pulled the test out of the packaging. After using it, I told Quinn to come wait with me, as I felt hopeful that I would see that second stripe.

A little bit later, I wake up to blood splattered and dripping from the walls. The maroon liquid shining in the dimmed, flickering bathroom lamp, I smiled eerily at the gore. Enjoying the blood-filled sink, I slowly began to laugh, louder and louder, it grew, yet nobody heard it, not the neighbors, nobody. But then, I looked down and my laughter dissipated into sobs almost instantly as I saw the still body of Quinn, my boyfriend (who prefered being refered to as she/her) lying on the floor in a puddle of blood, which seeped into the cracks inbetween the floor panels we had just replaced together.

I picked up a red, damp piece of paper found on the floor, which held words I could barely read through the blobs of blood that had sunk into the paper. It said, "Look, Missy, you don't understand, okay? I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but ruffles was euthanized by you because he nibbled you, you hit that dead gazelle, you pushed Genevieve down the massive canyon, YOU did all that! You stabbed delilah 14 times, murdering her, and YOU killed Quinn. You, you sociopath. And I'm madly in love with you." The note wasn't signed. I had nobody to blame but myself.

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