Chapter five

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I walked. I didn't really talk. I just existed. Both of the loves of my life had died of unnatural causes. Was it me? Somebody was killing off my lovers? No... I was just being paranoid. I walked to the window sill absenindedly, forgetting I was in the middle of Spanish Class.
"Ah. No clue why she got up, but a perfect example. Can somebody tell me what Missy just did in Spanish?" The teacher said. Rosado, the girl who took this class for an easy A, rose her hand.
"Yes?" The teacher pointed to Rosada.
"Fea persona camina despacio hacia antepecho." She glared at me. Now, of course I kept my cool. I was numb. Didn't care. However, when the teacher nodded and giggled, I just walked slowly out of the room as my teacher yelled at me for getting up out of my seat.

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