Chapter Eight

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Are you all still here? Shocking. Gets gory here. You know that by now. If you get nightmares easily, leave! Shoo! Alright. Fine. Here.

Once I stepped into Miss Deliah's office, I instantly started vividly hallucinating that she was Delilah. I zoned out for half a minute, and then when I looked back at Miss Deliah, she wasn't her anymore. She was Delilah.
"I thought you were dead, don't do that again!" I cried out, reaching for a kiss, or even a hug.
"Don't reject me like this, I beg, I can't live without you again!" I dropped to my knees, sobbing louder than her yelling at me to get off her leg.
"WHAT THE #$%#!" GET OFF ME! HELP! SOMEONE!" She cried in a panic. I think she forgot the time she sound-proofed her room to make students feel more comfortable talking to her. I ended up squeezing her leg so hard I snapped something in it. The pocket knife in my shoe came flying out, hitting the side of her leg. Instantly, irregular squirts of blood started splattering out of her.
"Delilah!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, though it still didn't make it past the walls.
Miss Deliah cried out, "PLEASE SOMEBODY, I CAN'T STAND THE PAIN!" She dropped to the floor as I struggled to wrap a handkerchief around her.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!" I screamed, looking left, right, up, down, and everywhere at once, scrambling to compose myself and be able to think straight. Though, somehow, I had an epiphany, a realization, and I called Riley. The sound of silence after she answered the phone was deafening.
"H-help." I could barely get out in between sobs. At this point. You're probably thinking, well that escalated quickly! Yeah, I know. I've experienced hurting people like this before, but in my eyes, at that time, the bloody, now deformed, almost unconscious Miss Deliah was not Miss Deliah. It was Delilah. The most recent lost love of mine. My feelings were still raw, causing hallucinations worse than my grandfather's.
Out of the blue, Riley's head peeks out of the corner of the window, though all I see is the gun she's aiming straight towards 'Delilah'.
"STOP! NO!" I cried in fear, shaking, just before a bullet flew through 'Delilahs' temple.
"Put her out of her misery," Riley shrugged, emphasizing the word 'her' as she peaked through the now broken window. I lunged at Riley with ill intent but somehow ended up in a hug. Sobbing on her shoulder, I wail, "Please, I don't want to be numb again," I sniffle, letting go of her, and, unfortunately, my face turns monotone and all of my previous emotions leave through my mouth, instructing me to yell a bunch of gibberish as I punched things just before I began cussing her out.

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