Chapter six

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I was transferred to Spain as a transfer student. It wasn't very far, I didn't even have to go by plane. But I did for some reason.

"Hola, ¡Bienvenidos a mi clase, niños! Hoy estamos aprendiendo sobre la guerra civil. ¡Hoy tenemos una estudiante transferida llamada Missy!" She told the class. "Sube a la pizarra, señorita." I walked up to the white board and told the class, "Hola..uhh I-" I pointed to myself. "I am.. Uhh nueva.. Here." I pointed at the ground. I thought in my mind, trying to find what that translated to.

I wasn't the greatest at spanish. I said, "Soy famosa en Londres" I said, thinking it meant, "I am Missy, from Maine." I was completely wrong! I still don't know what it means but everyone loved me after that and they applauded. Whenever I walked by them in the halls I saw them moving out of the way for me.

One day a student walked up to me. "I am Alejandre." he told me. "You speak English?!" I excitedly asked. "Some." He replied.

3 weeks later
I laughed so much. His laughter was contagious. I couldn't help it. We were alone on a moonlit night. I had to. I had to kiss him. He kissed me back, and that kiss is something I regret every day of my life. As we were kissing, somebody swooped in. "hi."
"Riley? I thought you were dead." I watched as he murderously stabbed Alejandro 5 times and then laughed. "You killed Delilah!" I exclaimed. I felt a sudden sharp pain in my neck as fluids flowed into my bloodstream and I passed out. I awoke peacefully in my bed. I was still sore around my neck. I think that it was real because of that. Or maybe I was lying the wrong way? No! Riley killed all three of the loves of my life. He will not live. He cannot live. I can't stand to see him go on, waking up without a regret. Every. Single. Morning.
But he pulled it off. 3 times. I couldn't even do it. I couldn't kill him. I couldn't bring myself to. I had to hire an assassin. I am pathetic. He is.. not.


I was searching for Riley but I knew he wouldn't appear. "What are you looking for?" Asked a young man, about 27. "Uh, nothing! I got to go!"
"Wait! Uhm, you wanna hangout sometime?"
"No thank you" I yelled as I ran away. I consciously decided to close myself off until he was dead. Or- maybe in jail.. He.. he didn't have to die, too.. he's kind of cool. B-but to send him.. To send him to jail I had.. I can't.. He wouldn't like m-.... He.. he isn't. He hates..hates..hates me... he hates me... Riley. Hates. Me. Am I worthless? Why are these thoughts coming to my mind, I thought.

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