Chapter four

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7 ½ Months after

"She would want us- I mean you.. To be happy!" I wrapped my arms around her and she wrapped hers around mine. I squeezed her and pretended to be sad. She squeezed me. She actually was sad, however.

I don't know how to flirt. I don't know how to show her I'm into her. I step over to her class to see her walk out, and walk with her to lunch. I see her walking out with somebody. A girl. A short brown haired, glasses on, nerdy looking, blue sweater wearing, girl. Gross. "Hey Delilah!" Delilah laughed. "Sorry, this is Brianna." "Hey, any friend of Delilahs is a friend of mine! You can call me Bri." I remember in kindergarten My older sister Cali would protect me from friend stealers like this. I'm on my own now. She's goin down. I'm the only one who should make Delilah happy. I thought. "Hey.. Briii." I stated awkwardly. "I am Missy." "Can I talk to you outside..Missy?" Brianna asked me, even more awkward than before. We stepped out leaving Delilah waiting on her own. "I have a crush on Delilah. Do you think you could help me, Missy?" I stood there for a couple moments looking down at the sidewalk. "Sure, what do you need to know?" "Just what does she like. Her favorite color, animal, foods, and stuff." "I think she likes yellow, neon pink, spiders and snakes.. Italian food, and pizza.. She hates nerdy girls. She has stomach pains when she laughs, too, so don't make her laugh! But don't say that I told you anything. If you do at any time, even if she asks you, dont. You don't wanna know why." I told her with cruel ideas in my mind. Things that wont hurt her physically, but will make Delilah want to stay away from her. "SHe also likes goth people. Any other she dumps immediately." "Alright." She replied. "Thanks, cya."

After they hung out

I could hear laughter start to fade in as they walked towards me. They are getting along? Welp, opposites attract. "Hey!" "Heyyy!" "hii!"
"So glad you could be here Missy." Bri stared at me with a fake smile. My lips slightly puckered, my eyebrows raised and my eyes looking off to the side I began to think, gonna have to kill her. She has a bad heart anyway. She steals from stores. I go forward one step towards her. I signal her with my head to tell her to act normal because Delilah is right there. I gave her an evil eye to threaten her, "Alright," She pretended to laugh. "We're all friends here!" She looked nervous. I think it worked. I step back and say, "Yep! Let's go uh do something." "I have to go to the bathroom." Bri said as she walked away. "Yeah, I have to get to class, sorry Missy." Said Delilah.
"No problem, I do too." I said as I pretended to walk toward class 2-1. When she was out of sight I stopped walking to class. I got a bucket of water and shut the lights in the bathroom Delilah was in, then poured the water on it and ran. I put the bucket back with the Janitor supplies and headed to class.

WEE WOO WEE WOO. Black and white cars with some blue on them and sirens came rushing to the entrance and all of the exits so nobody could leave. "Step away from the body." What looked to be a police officer said. He held out a shiny badge that proved he was an officer.

They used yellow tape and blocked the entrances and exits. It read, "Crime Scene - Do Not Enter" "She was electrocuted. Looks like somebody set this up, The lights are wet." said one cop. "Any leaks?" asked the other cop. "A small one above you guys, on the second floor up here, but not big enough to electrocute anyone." The walkie Talkie shook as it produced the noise.

"Interrogate any nearby students who had class on the first or second floor from these last 5 hours, and interrogate the teachers."

The eldest police officer said. He looked like the chief. "Bayview high has been clean, no accidents for years. This place has had the same teachers for a long time. It's most likely one of the new students this year." He looked like he had no emotions. He was standing tall like a guard at the royal palace.

"Any clues?" said another police officer through the walkie talkie. "No, just a theory. It might be the janitor because the bucket looks like it's recently been filled and emptied of water today."
"A student could possibly sneak the janitor's bucket."
"It's the janitor's day off, you two! This theory couldn't be right."
A horrible noise sounding like nails on a chalkboard began to screech. SQUEEEEEK! Everybody glanced around and ended up looking at me. "What?" My teeth stayed shut together as I said that. I began to realize that I was grinding my teeth in nervousness.

The policemen took me in for questioning. "You're oddly nervous. Have you ever been in a police station before?" He looked me in the eye as he took off his sunglasses. The room had glass for cops to look in on our conversation. I could not see who was watching me, It was a one-way glass. "Yeah one time, when my mom had watched a murder and was being questioned the month after. We were under witness protection." I replied after a couple minutes, shaking.

As I walked home I shivered. I left my sweater at the station. That fact made me run home faster than ever before. This felt right. Delilah felt right. I ain't scared of nothin'!

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