Chapter 5

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CHEWING HER MORNING CEREAL didn't bring Gwenn the clarity she hoped for. She sat at her bar stool, staring off at her stainless steel fridge without a decision. Her previous conversation with Ronan echoed in her brain, scattering her thoughts until they meshed and jumbled.

The night had been spent in a similar manner. Thoughts circulated and undulated, forming and disassembling, looking for a cluster to stick to that would make sense. But none did, so the process continued until she couldn't get a wink of sleep.

She clunked the spoon down on her white ceramic bowl and rubbed at her left eye, forgetting every advice Aura drilled into her about how sensitive the skin around her eyes was. A groan slipped out as she pushed the bowl out of the way to slam her forehead against the counter.

Her mind could not handle not being able to predict Ronan King.

How would tutoring him for abnormal psychology equate finding her biological mother? Was he that desperate?

She recalled his pleading eyes, thick brows furrowed, creating a crinkle on his forehead. His shoulders slumped forward like hers had moments before.

Apparently he was desperate.

A knock brought her out of her head. She blinked as if momentarily blinded by the grips of reality. Then a few consecutive knocks further cemented her into her life.

She was Gwenn Davidson. She lived in the heart of Lockfell in an apartment she rented on her own. Someone was outside her door.

Someone quite insisting.

Her mother came barreling in when she opened the door waving her arm about as she plopped a rather large bag on the counter. "Why, it took you long enough," she teased.

Gwenn gave a sheepish smile, scratching at the top of her head. "Sorry."

"Aren't you gonna ask why I'm here?" Her mother continued, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Oh, darling, did you even get any sleep?" She reached out for her face, inspecting every inch of it.

"Rough night," Gwenn admitted. Her mother's hands fell from her cheeks. "But why are you here? Though I'm not complaining."

Her mother clasped her hands together and turned to the large bag she brought in. "I went shopping early today, and I saw the most gorgeous desk lamp that screamed your name." She fumbled with the bag, untying it from the top. "Tell me. Isn't this the most beautiful thing?"

After giving one last tug to the bag, a light wooden lamp came to view, shaped like an oval. It resembled a vase waiting for a bouquet of flowers, but instead held the white top, which was shorter than a typical one. Gwenn eased into a smile.

"Mom, this is so pretty," she exclaimed, reaching out to grab it. Gwenn could already see herself studying under its light.

Her mother grinned. "Don't I know my daughter well or not?"

"You know me very well." Gwenn laughed and ran into her arms for a hug. Having her mother reciprocate brought a melting warmth to spread all over her veins and limbs.

"Anything for my daughter," her mother said, grabbing onto her cheeks again. "My daughter who's no longer a baby, but I will continue to spoil nonetheless."

Gwenn couldn't help but smile. "Not like I can do anything about it."

Her mother let go, stepping back to study her apartment. Gwenn straightened up and fetched her forgotten bowl of cereal, and turned to her sink. Her heart hammered wondering if her mother favored how she kept her living space, but the hum of approval sent ripples of calmness down to her very toes.

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