Chapter 28

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ONCE GWENN STEPPED INTO the threshold of the museum, goosebumps formed on her exposed arms. High ceilings and massive columns welcomed her inside. Plain white decor and paint covered the area, letting the other exhibits encased in bulletproof glass shine. Her nude heels clicked across the glossy tiles as she followed the red arrows pointing towards the new showcase.

Banners hung from every wall, announcing the new exhibit. She stopped to study it beside the statue of a contemporary depiction of Hebe holding a single cup in her outstretched hands. Glinting gilded letters read Gold Rush through its center in front of a black backdrop. Constance Emory was spelled below it, the name of the exhibit's artist. Basic information of the exhibit was written on the sides-the date and time-urging visitors to come back then to view the upcoming new pieces.

Gwenn took a step back to follow the rest of the arrows when a shriek of happiness startled her.

"Darling, there you are!" Slender arms wrapped around her shoulders, turning her around to face her mother's tall frame. A sleek black dress draped over her body, shining with every shift of her weight. "Let me take a good look at my beautiful daughter." She let go of her, taking little steps back to admire her choice of attire.

A fitted light caramel-colored cocktail dress framed her body, the skirt overlapping to create a slit illusion by her legs. After Aura's instruction, she mixed her golden highlighter into her moisturizer and slathered it over her arms and décolletage, making her skin look like melting gold. She pulled her hair up into a ponytail-a bold choice to show off her round face, but she wasn't in the mood to whip up a stylish do for the night. However, she did apply a generous amount of contour to sharpen her cheeks and by some string of luck succeeded in winging her eyeliner.

"You look gorgeous," her mother said, twirling her around the middle of the deserted hall. "Though I do like it when your hair is down. It's too pretty to be up in a pony." She winked before hooking her arm with hers.

"Is Dad here?" Gwenn asked as they sauntered down the corridor. Impressive vases and encased artifacts were at each of their sides until they reached the end and were forced to turn left.

"Yes," Meredith looked around the ocean of people, "I see him over there." A bright smile stretched over her red lips when her father recognized them by the exhibit entrance.

Five glass encasings stood tall and proud in the middle covered in burgundy drapes, forming a circle in the center of the room. A massive crowd surrounded them, facing a small built-in stage where a woman readied a microphone. Chatter intermingled together as organizers went back and forth, preparing for the night's event.

Meredith squeezed through, her delicate hand never letting go of her. Her mother traded hello's with people as they crossed the exhibit, careful not to step on any toes or skirts. As they emerged on the other side, her father's strong arms engulfed her in a hug she had missed so much.

"Gwenn, you're here," he murmured into her hair. She hugged him tighter before they stepped back to look at each other's face. The same kind eyes crinkled down as he smiled. Though she had last seen him maybe a month ago, she couldn't help but notice the subtle differences in him-deeper lines on his face, a dusting of gray peeking through his receding, brown hair, and the smallest hunch on his shoulders. Time was taking slow steps, but its passage was evident.

"How's the house?" she asked as they settled around a pillar. Her mother came back with a glass of champagne in both hands, and offered one to Malcolm as she sipped on the other. Gwenn itched to get a glass for herself, but didn't want to have her mother's eagle eyes on her the entire evening.

"Empty," he responded, taking the champagne. She watched the gold liquid swirl in the glass before he sipped it. Her eyes zeroed in on the drinks table, and her body wobbled just wanting to feel the alcohol seep into her brain. "When are you going to stay over?"

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