Chapter 1

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Welcome to The Dragon's Den

The cool wind of the night went by, calming and refreshing as it passed by the streets on the east side of the city of Kuoh.

Various neon lights shone in a cacophony of letters and sounds as people loudly spoke in hopes of attracting customers to their business. Bars, night clubs, hostesses clubs, and various other activities that were only procured during the silent night when it was time for misdeeds and trickery.

The seventh street was one of the most well kept locations and one of the most visited by those who wished for the finer things money could buy in life. It was were no matter who you were, as long as you had the money and obeyed the local rules, you could enjoy yourself freely without shame.

Succubus' Embrace, Devil May Cry, The Hostess of Fertility, The Fine Brothers, and many more "establishments" stood out as being the pinnacle of their respective service. From personal bodyguards, hostel, Love Hotel, Restaurants and many more where available there and these were the top of the pyramid.

And among those those a particular bar. Not the most ostentatious or calling of the bunch, but the bar had a "aura" which seemed to be able to call all those who had power. Not especially physical power, as there existed endless forms of power, but it seemed as the place called out to those who stood out in any sort of way.

Maybe it was the the luminous black front decorated with drawings of various powerful beings that seemed to be paint in pure gold. Maybe it was the soft Jazz that could be heard inside. Or maybe it was the plate that stood above the place in golden letters that were surrounded by two golden dragons in which could be read "The Dragon's Den".

Whatever it was, the place exulted a aura that pulled at your curiosity and made you drag yourself inside the bar.

That almost hypnotic feeling is what attracted the young teen towards the place which he clearly wasn't allowed. The people in the street around him did not seem to care that a young person such as him as there. In fact the people around there did not seem to care much about anything except themselves. Men and women of all sorts walked around him and went inside the establishments around. It was sort of amazing to glance around and see beautiful women in colorful kimonos, man who seemed to stand at the peak of society and were able to just throw around money. From the average looking joe, to the most ostentatious man in a pink suit and golden shoes, all seemed to walk here in search of some sort of personal pleasure, and were able to find it.

Issei Hyoudou himself didn't know why the commonly called Red Light District of Kuoh had appealed to him as much as it did, but ,alas, there he was and no one seemed interested in stopping him.

Walking slowly inside the black and golden bar, the sound of soft Jazz increasing ever so slightly as the aroma of fruit punch juice and alcohol mixed.

Passing a simple hall in which stood a elder man dressed as a butler, Issei found himself inside a great area. The soft glow of yellow lights illuminated the beige insides. A couple of billiard tables stood in the center with small gray colored lamps that shone upon the table. To the sides many other formal tables were placed diligently. At the right upper corner was a raised platform in which stood a band, giving him the answer as to what produced such a soothing melody. issei wasn't a avid music listener, but he could he himself at one of the tables just listening to the soft music.

A good part of the left corner was dedicated to the bar in which was a woman. She was tall and stunningly beautiful. Her brownish hair was long and put in a ponytail for practical purposes. Her face had a constant mocking smile as she attended her client. A man in what Issei could only say was his 30's, had the whole playboy persona and the clothes to match. Brown shoes, dark pants and a red trench coat open in the chest area, while he had a easygoing face, a mostly black hair with the exception of the front which had probably been dyed golden.

Welcome to the Dragon DenWhere stories live. Discover now