Chapter 2

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That night as soon as Issei reaches home, he went into his room and turned his PC on. He opened a bottle of lotion and brought a box of tissues with him, and grabbed the AVs he hid under his bed together with his most risqué Eroges. Armed with two mangas at his desk, his computer running "Kyuniu Fantasy", and a bottle of lotion, the resto of his night was dedicated to quenching his own desires. After the fifth time and a good three hours, the brunette still stood strong. If anything, his lust had only increased, so Issei gave up on pleasuring himself and went to sleep.

That night Issei did not dream with breasts. That night Issei did not dream with butts. That night Issei did not dream with Tia. That night Issei saw fire. Crimson fire that covered everywhere, but strangely enough the fire did not scorch him. No burns, not even heat was felt by the Hyoudou as the flames only licked around his naked form...




Wait, what?!

As confusion was off-set by nervousness, the fire burnt brightly and parted ways revealing a pair of of gigantic green eyes that stared down at him. The pupils were black slits that analyzed him from head to toes before a annoyed huff was heard. Then the fire joined together once more as shadows formed in the wall of fire in front of Issei.

The teen looked around expecting the shadow to jump at him at any time, but instead a emerald light shined throughout the fire and a jewel came towards him. The round jewel was akin to a emerald and shined softly.

Issei extended his left hand to touch the jewel, but felt dread as a scaled arm grabbed the green glowing jewel in front of him. He was wishing his own arm grabbed the thing, but this monstrosity was doing it. He felt afraid and wished to he if his face betrayed his emotions, for Issei was a very emotionally driven person. The surprise was great when the scaled and spiked arm grabbed the round jewel and brought it to what Issei felt was his face in this realm of fire. To be honest, he kinda thought he was going to see a hideous face, but oddly enough the only thing reflected back on the jewel was his face. Did that meant he was the monster?

What the heck?!

As he started to ponder again, the fire around him started to move. The flames started to shift and crackle as if alive, asking for a target to maul. So soon these thought came to his mind, the fires came rushing towards the scaled left hand and started to circle around the arm, startling Issei to no end. The flames only circled for a couple of seconds before the pain started.

Searing pain came fast and furious, as Issei realized that the scaled arm was connected to him and flames were nestling around him, circling his being before rushing his left hand. The huff of a great being was heard before laughter that seemed more like thunder was heard. The emerald jewel that was in his hand now settled itself in the back of his left hand and the pain reached its pinnacle.

And then darkness...




"Wake up, wake up!"

A body fell from the bed with a thud. The teenager only groaned as he felt his body entangle in a mess of bed sheets.

"If you don't wake up, I'm going to kiss you!" A soft female voice said shyly

"Wake up, wake up!" The voice repeated itself, now with a electronic beeping in the background.

Issei extended his arm to reach his alarm clock and shut it. As soon as the noise stoped, the brunette lifted himself from the ground and his mess of bedsheets. His entire body hurt and he had a pounding headache. Strange, considering he had not done anything worth of body stress...

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