Chapter 6

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"I swear a have done nothing!"

A brown haired youth was in seiza in front of the bed in the room.

The room itself was simple yet comfy. The posters of naked women were nowhere to be seen and at the top of the desk sat a small pile of leather-bound books.

If Matsuda and Motohama saw this place they would ask where the real Issei was, for there was no chance of this place being the bedroom of someone such as the perverted Hyoudou.

Atop the bed, still wrapped around the bed sheets was the kimono clad kitsune known as Kunou. The girl didn't stir, seemingly oblivious to the brunette that was sweating bullets.

I don't remember bringing Kunou home with me yesterday. I even said my goodbyes and came home, why in bloody hell is she in my fucking bed?! The questions that banged inside Issei's head stayed unanswered as he tried to remember anything that he might have done wrong.

Thinking for a bit in his position, Issei went through his memories of the events of the prior day.

Went to Kyoto, had some fun with the Youkais, drank with Tiamat and Yasaka-san, talked and played a bunch with Kunou, said my goodbyes and came home with a drunk Tiamat. Nothing dangerous, so why is she here?

[As much as it is fun to see you desperate trying to figure out if you mated with a Youkai child, pissed off the Kyuubi, and broke the human law, I must assure you, partner, that you have done no such things. The Youkai young came here through a teleportation charm.]

A charm?...w-well, it doesn't matter how she came any way! If anyone found me in bed with a little girl there would be more than troublesome misunderstandings to solve.

[Yes partner, a charm. I never stoped to look properly at them as flying beats most movement magic but the Japanese gods sure taught their Shinto priests some convenient techniques.]

...They seem really convenient now that you mention them...WAIT! that's not our problem right now. I want to know what to do with the little girl in my bed!

[Seeing as you have caused no harm upon the kitsune and her purity remains intact, I see no problem in calling her mother or simply dropping her at her place.]

Yeah, that is a good idea...


-Cuteness overload- Critical hit!

Player Hyoudou Issei takes -250 damage.

150/400 HP remaining.

Arhh she is too cute Ddraig!

[I assure you do not want to go down that path partner. In older times it would be acceptable but in current times trouble would arise from mating...]

I DO NOT WANT TO "MATE" WITH HER YOU SICK FUCK! I just said she is cute you damn dragon. What kind of person would I be if I laid my hands upon such a sweet girl?! She is even calling my name in her sleep.

[A pervert!]



...touché Ddraig, touché.

[Indeed partner]


With no better alternative, Issei grabbed Kunou and draped her over his right shoulder. The kitsune responded in her sleep by grabbing him and hanging herself in his chest as if some front-place backpack.

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