Chapter 5

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Rumbling noises were spreading through one of the small forests in the outskirts of Kuoh. The sound of cracking stone and blasts of dirt were thrown all around the ground. The crackling of fire sounded abundant as the wind whipped violently around the clearing.

A shadow rushed away from one of the larger trees and went behind another one for cover. Holding his breath, the youth assumed a still positioning as the crackle of flames died down and muffled steps were heard coming from the he area the young had ran away from.

A beautiful brunette entered the clearing and looked around as if hoping to find someone. She looked around for a bit before sighing to herself. She then breathed deep and held it in, as if tasting the air.

Suddenly she gave a toothy grin. Another deep breath and from her mouth came a stream of cherry red flames. A black blur rushed from behind the tree and came straight for her, a red gauntlet in the shadow's hand.

Tiamat cut her stream of flames, and assumed a simple fighting position, feet spread out and hands raised in a boxing guard.


Her smile grew feral, teeth sharpened into fangs and her nails grew into brutal-looking claws. The female brunette got ready to intercept the teen's punch that came, wind and dust focusing in his palm.

When the punch came it gave mild surprise to the female as the punch was directed not at her body but at the ground in front of her. The ground cracked from the force but no damage was done to her, and weirdly enough, the dust sphere stayed in the crack. The opposing teen jumped backward, avoiding her deadly swipe.

His image was then clear for the world to see. A slightly tanned teen with a brown mess atop his head. His current clothes, simple black sweatpants and a totally ragged red undershirt that barely hung on, were at the brink of falling apart. At his left hand a red, metallic gauntlet the entirety of it, ending in a smooth shoulder pad.

The teen, Hyoudou Issei, had a smile in his face that held a dangerous tone to it. The teen pointed his right, non covered, hand towards Tiamat and snapped his fingers, causing a clicking noise while screaming at the top of his lungs. Tiamat readied herself for a possibly dangerous move but could only stare at the stupid pose Issei assumed.

"Killer Queen, Bites the dust!"



A small, green magic circle with the figure of a dragon shone under Tiamat, right at the cracked ground where the dust sphere was at. The circle lit a small spark of flame in the middle of the tiny sphere but the effect it had was absurd.

A inferno came to life right where the dragon lady was, showering the clearing in flames. Issei had long been at the cover of a tree with a magic circle protecting him from the heat as he gulped large amounts of air.

He was drenched in sweat, his mind almost flickering between alert and shut down as he tried to calm his trembling hands and furious heart.

It had been two weeks since Tiamat had started a Spartan training course for him composed of survival. No fancy words or actions, but pure survival. Everyday he was expected to wake at 3:00 A.M and jog to the forest she had marked as their training ground. Then he was expected to survive the dragon lady's onslaught of attacks, both physical and magical, while trying to gather books Tiamat had hidden in the forrest about the supernatural.

When breakfast time came, he had a 10 minute break to eat whatever he had brought from home and rest. As soon as that ended, the woman would ask question after question about the supernatural and he had to answer her right or she would add extra time in their morning "exercise".

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